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由于连年战乱,加奥古城显得破败不堪,中国已有三批赴马里维和部队先后在加奥任务区履行维和使命。尽管这里恐怖袭击最频繁、维和部队伤亡最严重的任务区,尽管这里各种威胁随时发生,但一批批中国维和军人带着党和人民的嘱托、肩负着维护世界和平的神圣使命仍义无反顾地接替来到这里。面对恶劣自然条件、严酷生存环境和频发枪弹袭击的特殊考验,中国蓝盔勇士们攻坚克难、主动作为,舍生忘死、英勇奋战,经受住了枪林弹雨的考验和血与火的洗礼,用实际行动践行大国军人的责任担当,向世界展现了中国军人的风采,被亲切地誉为“来自东方的和平使者”。 As successive years of war, the ancient city of Gao appears to be dilapidated, China has three batches went to the peacekeeping mission in the MOA peace mission. Although the terrorist attacks here are the most frequent and the casualties of the peacekeeping troops are the most serious, despite the threats here and there, batches of Chinese peacekeepers have taken the party and the people’s exhortations and shouldered the sacred mission of safeguarding world peace without any hesitation Successively came here. Faced with the harsh natural conditions, the harsh living environment and the special test of frequent bullet attacks, the Chinese blue helmets bravely tackled hardships and volunteered themselves to sacrifice their lives and live bravely to stand the test of bullets and the baptism of blood and fire Practicing the responsibility of large-scale military personnel with practical actions and showing the world the elegance of the Chinese military. They are cordially praised as “messengers of peace from the East.”
美国国家档案管理总局保存着一批最新解密的档案资料,其中包括近二十封不同时期的小孩写给当时美国总统的信件。通过这些内容各异充满童趣 The U.S. National Archives Admi
1.China(中国)—the Divine Land(神州)  2.Japan(日本)-the country of cherries(樱花国)  3.Cuba(古巴)-the country of sugarcane(甘蔗国)  4.Panama(巴拿马)-the buttemy country(蝴蝶国)  5.Malaysia(马来西亚)-the mbber country(橡胶国)  6.
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