
来源 :华西医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daweinihao
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目的 :探讨耳咽管中耳乳突炎MRI表现特点及对鼻咽癌的诊断意义。材料和方法 :搜集经病理确诊的鼻咽癌 45例MRI资料 ,着重观察其耳咽管和中耳乳突受累的MRI表现。采用ElscintGyrexV型磁共振机 ,0 5T。SE ,横断位 ,T1WI (4 40 / 2 5ms)、T2 WI (2 2 0 0 / 2 0 6 0ms) 4 5例 ,冠状位 8例。结果 :(1)咽口消失 33例 ,变形移位 6例 ;(2 )耳咽管受累 ,左侧 2 2例 ,右侧 5例 ,双侧 18例 ;(3)中耳乳突异常 46只 ,左侧 9只 ,右侧 10只 ,双侧 2 7只 ;(4 )信号改变 ,T1WI上耳咽管呈不均低信号 7例 ,等信号 11例 ;T2 WI上呈高信号 45例。T1WI上中耳乳突呈等或稍高信号 45只 ,T2 WI上均呈高信号 46只 ;(5 )原发组 6例 ,咽口和咽隆突区均有癌灶肿块 ;放疗组 39例 ,咽部软组织肿胀 2 7例 ,咽腔变形萎缩 12例 ;(6 )颅底骨质破坏 8例。结论 :鼻咽癌放疗前后常可伴发耳咽管和中耳乳突炎改变。原发组是癌灶侵犯所致阻塞性浆液性炎症。放疗组是放疗反应性粘膜病损所致。通过MRI检查 ,前者可提示鼻咽癌侵犯部位及程度 ,后者则是并发症之一。MRI上的耳咽管和中耳乳突炎表现 ,是鼻咽癌诊断、治疗和预后评介的值得重视的重要征象。 Objective: To investigate the MRI features of otitis media in otitis media and the diagnostic significance of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Materials and Methods: MRI data of 45 cases of nasopharyngeal carcinoma confirmed by pathology were collected, and the MRI manifestations of their involvement in the eustachian tube and middle ear were emphasized. ElscintGyrexV magnetic resonance machine, 0 5T. SE, transverse position, T1WI (4 40/2 5 ms), T2 WI (2200/02040 ms), and coronal position in 8 cases. Results: (1) The pharyngeal orifice disappeared in 33 cases and the deformity was displaced in 6 cases. (2) Eustachian tube involvement included 22 cases on the left, 5 cases on the right and 18 cases on both sides. (3) Left side of the 9, right 10, bilateral 27; (4) signal changes, T1WI on the eustachian tube was uneven low signal in 7 cases, and other signals in 11 cases; T2 WI was high signal in 45 cases. T1WI on the middle ear mastoid was equal or slightly higher signal 45, T2WI were high signal 46; (5) 6 cases of primary group, pharyngeal and pharyngeal fossa with tumor lesions; radiotherapy group 39 Cases, 27 cases of pharyngeal soft tissue swelling, pharyngeal deformation atrophy in 12 cases; (6) 8 cases of skull base bone destruction. Conclusion: Nasopharyngeal carcinoma often accompanied by eustachian tube and otitis media before and after radiotherapy. The primary group is caused by violations of the foci of obstructive serous inflammation. Radiotherapy group is caused by radiation-induced mucosal lesions. Through MRI examination, the former can prompt the site and extent of nasopharyngeal carcinoma violations, the latter is one of the complications. MRI on the performance of the otolaryngology and otitis media, nasopharyngeal carcinoma diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of the important signs worthy of attention.