国家投资近30亿元建设的福建长乐国际机场,由于建设规模过度超前,目前旅客量和货邮量只达到设计规模的1/3左右,航站楼和机场生活区大量闲置,运营5年累计亏损已达11亿元。这是上周的全国审计工作会议上披露的一个决策失误的典型案例。 决策失误是长期存在且具有普遍性的一个顽疾,给我国的经济建设造成较大影响。国家审计署审计长李金华说,决策失误造成国有资产损失严重。2002年,审计机关查处的由于违规担保、投资和借款等方面的失误,已给国家造成损失72.3亿元。
With an investment of nearly 3 billion yuan, the Changle International Airport in Fujian Province has over-built the scale of its construction. At present, the volume of passengers and cargo and mail only reaches about one-third of the designed scale. There are a large number of terminal and airport living areas that are idle for a period of 5 years Loss has reached 1.1 billion yuan. This is a typical case of a policy blunder disclosed at last week’s national audit work conference. Decision-making mistakes are long-existing and have a universal chronicness, which has a great impact on our country’s economic construction. Li Jinhua, Auditor-General of the National Audit Office, said that making mistakes in state-owned assets caused serious losses. In 2002, the auditing authorities investigated and dealt with mistakes made in the areas of illegal guarantee, investment and borrowing, which caused a total loss of 7.23 billion yuan to the country.