
来源 :江苏机械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:easyJMS
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本文主要阐述了CO_2露气体保护焊在薄壁压力容器(F—12,F—22)上的应用。通过半年来试制,做了一系列的工艺调试,得出了焊接F—12,F—22筒体内外纵焊缝和筒体与封头带衬垫环缝的焊接规范,按此规范焊接质量达到设计要求。通过生产实践,得出送丝通道的畅通和送丝的稳定性,焊丝的表面状态和处理,导电嘴孔径,干伸长度及直流回路电阻值是严重影响焊接质量的因素,必须严格加以控制。另外CO_2焊接生产中,经无损探伤,焊缝中存在的主要问题是气孔,未焊透比较少,夹渣基本上不存在,针对存在主要问题,进行了一系列试验,探讨出产生气孔的主要原因,然后根据原因,一一采取措施预防。现在我厂生产了几万只容器,质量基本上与日本进口瓶相当。 This paper mainly describes the application of CO_2 gas shield welding on thin wall pressure vessels (F-12, F-22). Through six months of trial production, a series of process debugging has been done, obtained welding F-12, F-22 cylinder welding seam and the cylinder body and the head with a gasket ring girth welding specifications, according to this specification welding quality Meet the design requirements Through the practice of production, it is concluded that the smoothness of the wire feeding passage and the stability of the wire feeding, the surface condition of the welding wire and the processing, the diameter of the conductive nozzle, the elongation of the conductive wire and the resistance value of the direct current circuit are the factors seriously affecting the welding quality and must be strictly controlled. In addition, CO_2 welding production, by non-destructive testing, the weld is the main problem is the stomatal, weld less penetration, slag is basically non-existent, for the main problems, conducted a series of experiments to explore the main stomatal The reason, and then according to the reasons, one by one to take measures to prevent. Now I plant the production of tens of thousands of containers, the quality is basically comparable with Japan imported bottles.
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