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采用全球定位系统及惯性导航系统(GPS/INS)的洛克威尔公司的GBU-15改进型滑翔炸弹从美国空军的F-16飞机上投放,取得了平均精度5m,甚至更好的成绩。这次试验使用的是差动式GPS(DGPS)系统来提高制导精度。 5月和6月在埃格林空军基地的试验中,在
The clay mineral association,oxides of clay fraction and surface charge properties of 7 soils,which are developed from granite,located at different altitudesof
Being divided into three groups-strong,moderate and weak-according to the different kinetic parameters (Fmax,km,Cmin) of potassium uptake by crops,21 cultivars
Field experiments were conducted in a maize (Zea mays L.)field of a calcareous fluvo-aquic soil in North China Plain for studying the fate and ammonia loss of u
The effect of irrigation water quality on unsaturated hydraulic conductivity (HC) of undisturbed soil in field was studied.Results show that within the operatin
The relationship between iron oxides and surface charge characteristics in variable charge soils (latosol and red earth) was studied in following three ways.(1)
<正> INTRODUCTION Soil acidification due to acid deposition has been one of the major environmental prob-lems concerned by soil scientists and ecologists for th
A method determining di-and tri-valent cobalt extracted from soils with EDTA&#183;HOAc&#183;NH4OAc solution (pH4.65) was developed based on the difference of th
在一项令某些观察家们惊奇的提议中,雷锡恩导弹系统公司被美陆军选定为进行改进型光纤制导导弹(EFOG-M)研制和演示工作的公司。 先进方案技术演示是五角大楼的一个快速技术评
Adsorption of potassium and sodium ions by four typical variable charge soils of South China was studied.The results indicated that the variable charge soils sa