沙微聚高山 河长汇涓流 重庆市万州区沙河小学书香教育

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重庆市万州区沙河小学系原四川省首批办好的重点小学,万州区首批示范小学,创办于1932年。1996年,学校因三峡工程迁建于新址,占地30亩。学校始终坚持“德育为先,能力为重,全面发展”的教育思想,秉承“知行合一”的办学理念,以“成人成才”为办学目标,全面实施素质教育,大力推进教育创新,着力培养“言雅行善,乐学乐行”的书香少年,形成了鲜明的书香教育特色。在书香浸润下,学校师生整体素质优良,校风、教风和学风深受社会好评。学校1998年被重庆市人民政府授予“文明单位”称号;先后获得 Shawan Primary School, Wanzhou District, Chongqing Municipality, was one of the first batch of key primary schools and the first demonstration elementary school in Wanzhou District, which was originally set up in 1932 in Sichuan Province. In 1996, the school relocated to the new site due to the Three Gorges Project, covering an area of ​​30 mu. The school always adheres to the educational philosophy of “moral education first, ability strong and all-round development”, adhering to the concept of “knowing oneness and unity”, and taking “adult talent” as the goal of running a school. The full implementation of quality education Promote education innovation, focus on training “Yan Yaxing good, happy music ” scholarly youth, formed a distinctive style of scholarly education. In the book infiltration, the overall quality of teachers and students in school, school spirit, teaching style and style of study by the community. School in 1998 by the Chongqing Municipal People’s Government awarded the “civilized unit” title; has won
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