The patient was male, 39 years old, hospital number 46968. Two months before admission, persistent persistent pain in the liver area, with radiation in the right shoulder area, irregular fever, body temperature of about 38 °C. The local hospital diagnosed as “cholecystitis” and gave no cure for gallbladder gallbladder. He was admitted to our hospital on July 10, 1991. Past health, denied the history of amoebic dysentery and viral hepatitis. Physical examination: T: 37.8°C, P: 80 beats/min, R: 18 beats/min, Bp: 18/11kPa, no contact with superficial lymph nodes, no yellow stain on the sclera and skin, no liver palms and spider axillae, heart lungs Normal, 3 cm below the right costal rib, 6 cm below the xiphoid process