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本刊准备连载Robinson与Silvia合著的《Digital Signal Proces-sing and Time Series Analysis》的节译,目的正是作者们在原序中最后所说的“使实践工程师及科学家能在工作中赶上他本行中的许多新发展”。 近十几年来,科学及工程中惊人的发展,有很大一部分是跟数字计算机及数字分析分不开的。在这个“爆炸式”的发展时期,由于人所共知的原因,我们大部分科技人员与知识的门户隔绝了;重要的新发展只有极少数人了解。 为了想对社会主义祖国四个现代化尽一点绵力,本刊打算用部分篇幅向读者们提供一些重要的基础知识;许多题目是自成体系的,与系统工程有关的,而且是偏重于电子学领域的。连续登载本书的节译,就是我们系统介绍知识的一点努力。 限于篇幅,本刊对许多重要问题只能作参考性的介绍。因此,本书的译稿,我们只能登载其中的叙述部分,而不得不放弃作者们认为最重要的习题及其答案。如果有多数读者认为需要,希望来信,将来也可能将漏载的部分作专刊出版。 限于水平,译稿肯定有误谬之处,希望读者发现后赐函,以便订正。 The article prepares a series of sections entitled “Digital Signal Proces-sing and Time Series Analysis” co-authored by Robinson and Silvia for exactly what the authors put it at the end of the preface, “enabling practical engineers and scientists to catch up with him on the job Many new developments in our bank. ” In the past decade or so, a great part of the amazing development in science and engineering is inseparable from digital computers and digital analysis. During this “explosive” period of development, for the best of our knowledge, most of our scientific and technical personnel were isolated from the gateway to knowledge; important new developments were known to only a handful of people. In order to do a bit of hard work on the four modernizations of the socialist motherland, the journal intends to provide the readers with some important basic knowledge in the course of their works. Many of the topics are self-contained, system-related, and more focused on the field of electronics of. The continuous translation of this book is a little bit of our systematic introduction of knowledge. Due to space limitations, this issue of many important issues can only be used for reference. Therefore, the translation of this book, we can only publish the narrative part, and had to give up the authors think the most important exercises and their answers. If most readers think it is necessary and hope for a letter, the missing part may also be published as a special issue in the future. Limited to the level of translation of the error is certainly somewhere, I hope the reader found after the letter, in order to correct.
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