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5月15日下午,作为广州市科技进步活动月浓重的一笔,中科院固体物理研究所研究员、国家重点基础研究发展规划项目973“纳米材料和纳米结构”首席科学家张立德教授向1500多名党政干部、科技工作者和管理干部作了“21世纪纳米科技的趋势与策略”的报告。纳米并非大米,它是长度单位,1纳米等于十亿分之一米。但纳米这一名词见诸报端之后众说纷纭,很多不准确的说法夹杂其中。张立德从澄清许多不正确的观点开始,围绕纳米科技这一为社会和广大群众关心的热点问题作了深入浅出的演讲。他指出:大约在1至100纳米这个范围空间,物质的性能就会发生突变,出现特殊性能。这种既不同于原来组成的原子、分子,也不同于宏观物质的特殊性能构成的材料,即为纳米材料。纳米技术是一种在纳米尺度空间内的生产方式和工作方式,并在纳米空间认识自然,创造一种新的技能。张立德从纳米技术的基本概念到纳米技术的战略地位,从国内外纳米技术发展的趋势到我国发展纳米产业的指导思想和工作重点以及发展纳米技术的产业和发展 On the afternoon of May 15, as a strong monthly project of scientific and technological progress in Guangzhou, Prof. Zhang Lide, a researcher at Institute of Solid State Physics, CAS and chief scientist of National Key Basic Research and Development Program 973 “Nanomaterials and Nanostructures Party and government cadres, scientists and management cadres made a report titled ”Trends and Strategies in Nanotechnology in the 21st Century." Nanometer is not rice, it is the length unit, 1 nanometer is equal to one billionth of a meter. However, the term after the newspaper appeared in different opinions, a lot of inaccuracies say. Zhang Lide from the clarification of many of the incorrect point of view, around the nano-technology for the community and the general public concerned about the hot issues made a profound explanation in simple terms. He pointed out: At a space of about 1 to 100 nanometers, material properties change suddenly and appear special. This is different from the original composition of atoms, molecules, but also different from the macroscopic material of the special properties of the material, that is, nano-materials. Nanotechnology is a way of production and working in a nanoscale space, recognizing nature in the nanosphere and creating a new skill. Zhang Lide from the basic concept of nanotechnology to the strategic position of nanotechnology, from the trend of domestic and foreign nanotechnology development to the development of nanotechnology in our country's guiding ideology and focus of work and the development of nanotechnology industries and development
<正> 历尽艰辛,几经磨难,中国人民终于找到了一条富国强民的道路——发展社会主义商品经济之路。实践表明,大力发展社会主商品经济已卓见成效。然而,近几年来,经济犯罪的发案率不断上升,大案、要案不断出现,贪污、盗窃、诈骗数万元甚至数十万元的恶性案件也时有发生,这已成为人们