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全国男子篮球甲 A联赛 (CBA ) ,是目前中国国内篮球最高级别的比赛。首钢男篮作为一支老牌甲级劲旅 ,本赛季队伍有所调整 ,新老队员交替后 ,主力阵容重新组合 ,技战术风格随之改变。采用临场技术统计、跟综调研、数据分析和归纳整理等方法 ,对首钢男篮主场比赛进行综述 ,针对主要技战术指标加以分析。旨在为包括首钢队在内的所有男篮队伍及篮球爱好者提供有价值和可借鉴比较的素材 ,使他们从一个侧面了解我国男篮甲级队伍的一般情况 ,以便于有针对性地训练提高自身的水平。本文分析结果是 :首钢队主场进攻以内为主、内外结合 ;防守以针对性半场扩大盯人为主。全队主力队员特点突出 ,但打球人数过于集中 ,导致技战术变化少。其当务之急是培养年轻选手 ,提高全队整体实力。 National Men’s Basketball A League (CBA), is currently China’s highest level of domestic basketball competition. Shougang Men’s Basketball as a veteran of a classy brigade, the team has been adjusted this season, new and old players alternate, the main lineup re-combination, technical and tactical style change. Adopting on-the-spot technical statistics, comprehensive research, data analysis and induction methods, this paper summarizes the home-court competitions of Shougang Men’s Basketball Team and analyzes the main technical and tactical indicators. Aims to provide all men’s basketball teams and basketball fans, including the Shougang team, with valuable and reference material so that they can understand the general situation of China’s men’s basketball first-class team from a single aspect in order to train in a targeted manner Improve their own level. The analysis results of this paper are: Shougang home-based offense within the main, both inside and outside the combination; The main team members highlight the characteristics of the team, but the ball is too concentrated, leading to less change in technology and tactics. Its top priority is to train young players to improve the overall strength of the team.
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