曾引起国内外人士广泛关注的中国科技大学少年班,创办至今已12个春秋。近十多年来,我国年龄最小的研究生,留学生和大学助教,均出自这里。在不少人的眼里,少年班学生总有些神秘感。那些小小年纪便跨进大学校门的少年,似乎与众不同,高不可攀。还有些人认为他们生来就是“神童” 其实,“神童”不神,少年班的办学实践已证明,他们出众的才能固然与自身的智力因素有关,但使他们脱颖而出的更重要的条件则是后天的教育和培养,尤其是良好的家庭教育,为他们成才奠定了坚实的基础。
Has attracted widespread concern at home and abroad of China University of Science and Technology Junior Class, has been founded 12 years. In the past ten years or so, the youngest graduate students, foreign students and university teaching assistants in our country came here. In many people’s eyes, young class students always have some mystery. It seems that the young people who entered the university at their very young age are different and beyond reach. Some people think they were born “prodigy” In fact, “Prodigy ” is not God, juvenile class school practice has proved that their outstanding talent is certainly related to their own intellectual factors, but to make them stand out more important Conditions are acquired education and training, especially good family education, laid a solid foundation for their success.