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随着高龄化社会的到来,脑神经外科领域里治疗老年病人的机会也多了起来。如所周知,儿童并不是成人的缩影,老人亦非是成人的延长线。特别是大脑功能,受年龄增长的影响很大,因此必须认真考虑老年人脑疾病在临床上的特殊性。本文就以前认为非多发病的老年人脑肿瘤的最新动态加以阐述。老年人脑肿瘤的频度分布据日本全国脑肿瘤统计资料表明,在1969~1981年的调查数据中,原发性脑肿瘤病人共有25307例,其中60岁以上者占13.1%,65岁以上者占6.8%,70岁以上者占2.6%。另外,在3709例转移性脑肿瘤的病例中,60岁以上者占33.5%,65岁以上者占18.7%,70岁以上者占7.7%。这些转移性脑肿瘤病例的数据 With the advent of an aging society, there is also an increased chance of treating elderly patients in the field of neurosurgery. As we all know, children are not the epitome of adults, and the elderly are not extensions of adults. Especially brain function, is greatly affected by the growth of age. Therefore, it is necessary to seriously consider the clinical specialties of brain diseases in the elderly. This article describes the most recent developments in brain tumors in older adults who are considered as non-frequently occurring. Frequency distribution of brain tumors in the elderly According to the statistics of Japanese brain tumors, in the survey data from 1969 to 1981, there were 25,307 cases of primary brain tumor patients, of which 13.1% were over the age of 60 and those over 65 years old Accounting for 6.8%, those over 70 accounted for 2.6%. In addition, of the 3,709 cases of metastatic brain tumors, 33.5% were over the age of 60, 18.7% were over the age of 65, and 7.7% were over the age of 70. The data of these metastatic brain tumor cases
美国感染病协会(IDSA)、加拿大感染病协会和加拿大胸腔病协会联合公布了社会获得性肺炎(CAP)治疗的最新美国和加拿大用药指南。l门诊病人用药指南  IDSA指南包括若干针对患急性CAP但具免疫能力
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在流程再造运动已经风生水起的中国,精益思想推行的最大敌人成为:试图推行精益生产方式的企业,往往不知道该怎么办! In China, where the process reengineering movement h
本文系统地回顾了交通水运安全研究发展历程,分析了当前水运安全面临的问题,提出了今后应重点考虑的研究课题. This paper systematically reviews the development history
目的 探讨肺泡Ⅱ型上皮细胞MMP 2和MT1 MMP在肺纤维化中的表达及意义。方法 气管内注射博莱霉素制备大鼠肺纤维化模型 ,在肺纤维化形成过程的不同阶段分离和提取肺泡Ⅱ型上