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国务院召开这次治理淮河、太湖会议,是一次非常重要的会议,充分体现了党和国家对流域内广大人民群众的关怀,体现了对水利工作的重视。这次洪水,两大收获:一是党群、干群关系大为改善,党的凝聚力增强了,社会主义制度的优越性在群众中扎根了;二是增强了治水的紧迫感。中央关于加快治理淮河的决策,代表了人民的利益,充分反映淮河两岸人民的愿望,我们完全拥护。 The convening of the Huaihe River and Taihu Lake Conferences by the State Council is a very important meeting. It fully embodies the concern of the party and the state toward the broad masses of the people in the river basin and embodies the importance attached to water conservancy work. This flood has two major gains: First, the relations between the party and the masses, between cadres and the masses have greatly improved; the cohesiveness of the party has been enhanced; the superiority of the socialist system has taken root in the masses; second, the sense of urgency has been enhanced. The Central Government’s decision on accelerating the governance of the Huaihe River represents the interests of the people and fully reflects the wishes of the people on both banks of the Huaihe River. We fully support this.
1.5at% Eu-doped GaN powders were prepared by a co-precipitation method.Powder X-ray diffraction(XRD)results shows that there is only the wurtzite phase.Cathodol
:0~ 4℃低温处理小麦幼苗 ,叶片中脯氨酸和可溶性蛋白含量大幅度提高 .不同小麦品种可溶性糖含量也有不同程度的增加 .抗寒性强的品种 ,3种物质积累较多 : The contents of p
从壳斗科植物甜茶 (LithocarpuspolystachyusRend)中分离出具有抑制活化透明质酸酶的有效成份 ,经酸水解重结晶 ,鉴定证实该有效成份为二氢查尔酮葡萄糖苷 From the Fagacea
Considering the self-fields of relativistic electron beam(REB), the electron beam injected in plasma will form an ion-channel, which can stably guide REB transm