
来源 :石油政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangbingkai
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河南油田党委开展的党支部升级达标竞赛活动已经整整6个年头了.6年来,经过油田各级党组织和广大党员、干部的共同努力,取得了很好的成果,推动了基层党组织建设工作的健康发展,促进了油田改革的深入和生产效益的提高.先后跨入河南省、石油天然气总公司党建工作先进行列,多次受到表彰.1992年以来连续4次在总公司介绍升级达标、立项攻关等党建工作经验;《人民日报》、《经济日报》、《党建》杂志、中央电视台等20多家省部以上报刊、电台报道我局抓党建的经验做法;石油系统和其他企业先后有80余人次专程到油田考察学习.党建工作为保证勘探开发走出低谷、摆脱困境,开创各项工作的新局面和连续七年保持“全国思想政治工作优秀企业”称号做出了贡献.支部升级达标的实践,积累了新形势下抓好基层党组织建设的宝贵经验.这里谈谈我们在开展支部升级达标活动中的几点做法.建立制度 制定标准建立健全一套好制度、好标准,是开展支部达标工作的重要环节.在制度和标准的制定中,我们坚持按照《党章》、《准则》要求,突出规范和科学性;紧扣生产经营中心,突出适用性和可操作性;按照这些原则,一是制定了基层支部“三会一课”等10项工作制度,确定了“支部班子建设”、“党员教育”等25项工作标准.二是根据各单位的行业特? Party branches in Henan Oilfield Party branch up to standard competition has been a full 6 years .6 years, after all levels of oilfield party organizations and the majority of party members and cadres, and achieved good results, and promote the construction of grass-roots party organizations And promoted the reform of the oilfield in depth and the improvement of production efficiency.He stepped into the advanced party building work of Henan Province and the Oil and Natural Gas Corporation successively and received many awards in recognition. Since 1992, the Company has introduced the upgrade standard in the head office for four consecutive times, Such as the People’s Daily, Economic Times, Party Construction magazine and CCTV; more than 20 newspapers and periodicals from the provincial and ministries and commissions including the People’s Daily, the Economic Daily, Party Construction, and CCTV; and the radio station reported the experiences of party building in our bureau. The petroleum system and other enterprises successively have 80 More than a dozen people made a special trip to the oil field study and study.Construction work to ensure that exploration and development out of the trough, out of the woods, and create a new situation for all work and for seven consecutive years to maintain the “national ideological and political work of outstanding enterprises,” the title has contributed to the branch upgrade Practice and accumulated precious experience in grasping the building of grass-roots party organizations in the new situation. Here we talk about what we are doing Department to upgrade the activities of the standard practices.Establishment of the system to establish standards to establish and improve a good system, a good standard is an important part of the branch to achieve compliance standards in the formulation of the system, we adhere to the “party constitution” and “guidelines According to these principles, the first is to formulate 10 grass-roots branch ”three sessions“ and other 10 working systems, to determine the ”branch of the team Construction “,” Party members education "and other 25 working standards.Second, according to the various sectors of the industry?
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本文利用2005-2008年5月和6月的NCEP(National Center for environmentalprediction)1°×1°分析资料(间隔6h)和气象台站常规地面雨量资料等,对我国华南地区前汛期的暖区暴雨
本文利用美国国家环境预报中心和美国国家大气研究中心(National Center for Environmental Prediction,NCEP;National Center for Atmospheric Research,NCAR)再分析资料研