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生态恶化,粗放型灌溉模式必须要改“人多地少是我国的基本国情,要用占世界9%的耕地去供养占世界20%的人口,我们不得不提高耕地复种指数,甚至在生态脆弱地区垦荒种地,这对水资源需求量很大。”日前,全国农技中心节水处处长高祥照在第三届中国农机手大赛“节水灌溉讲堂”上讲到。我国每年用水5800亿方,其中农业用水3600亿方,占62%。但我国水资源仅占世界的6%,年缺口300亿方,每年受灾面积高达 Ecological deterioration and extensive irrigation mode must be changed. “With more people and less land being the basic national conditions of our country, we must raise the index of cropland multiplication even with 9% of the world’s cultivated land to support 20% of the world’s population. In fragile areas reclamation of wasteland, which is in great demand for water resources. ”“ Recently, the National Agricultural Technology Center Director Gao Xiangzhao in the third session of China Agricultural Machinery Competition ”water-saving irrigation lecture " mentioned. China uses 580 billion cubic meters of water annually, of which 360 billion cubic meters of agricultural water is used, accounting for 62%. However, China’s water resources account for only 6% of the world’s total, with an annual deficit of 30 billion cubic meters and an annual area of ​​as much as 30 million
Conflicting results from previous research relating information technology (IT) investments and firm performance suggest that there is no direct relationship be
孩子的天性是自然、宝贵的,孩子的想象是奇特、纯洁和美丽的。作为教师,应该给孩子提供快乐、充满美感的课堂,鼓励他们敞开理想的心扉,展开想象的翅膀。 Children’s nature
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这是一个令人惋惜又令人悲痛的噩耗。 1997年10月23日上午,随着一阵阵低回的哀乐奏响,在南昌北郊瀛上殡仪馆的千秋堂内,密集的人群,垂下了他们的头。人们沉浸在回忆英雄壮举