Gene Could Help Predict Colon,Lung Cancer Risk

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在读此文之前,有必要弄清两个概念:基因(gene),即存在于细胞内的有自体繁殖能力的遗传单位;染色体,即存在于细胞核中能被碱性染料染色的丝状或棒状体,细胞分裂时可以观察到,由核酸和蛋白质组成,是遗传的重要物质基础。各种生物的染色体有一定的大小、形态和数目。我们可以打一个比方,当人类发现了基因和染色体的存在,就像人类发现自然界中“电”的存在一样,这虽然是重大发现,但这还只是初步的,或者说是原始的发现,而当人类开始“驾驭”基因和染色体并造福人类健康的时候,就像人类不仅发现了“电”,而且会利用 “电”一样,这是一个何等激动人心的飞跃!本文似乎让我们更多地见到了这方面的曙光和希望。一种名为PPP_2R_1B的调节基因如果出现了缺陷,肿瘤就会在体内出现。而研究小组发现:“PPP_2R_1B”in a“hot spot”(本义:森林火灾多发地区,这里用的是转义)for cancer genes on chromosome(染色体)11.该小组的下一步工作是: … to screen the general population to see how common it is forpeople to have the mutations in PPP_2R_1B,and to see how common the mutationsare in tumors.在新旧世纪交替之际,我们有理由相信,人类最终征服癌症的成功已指日可待。当然,人类对基因和染色体的研究的远大前? Before reading this article, it is necessary to clarify two concepts: gene, the genetic unit that exists in the cell and has the ability of self-propagation, and the chromosome, which exists in the nucleus of the filament or rod that can be stained by basic dyes. Body, which can be observed when cells divide, consists of nucleic acids and proteins and is an important material basis for inheritance. The chromosomes of various organisms have a certain size, shape, and number. We can make an analogy. When humans discover the existence of genes and chromosomes, just as humans discover the existence of “electricity” in nature, this is a major discovery, but it is only preliminary or primitive discovery. When humans begin to “control” genes and chromosomes and benefit human health, just as humans not only discovered “electricity” but also used “electricity,” what an exciting leap! This article seems to allow us to see more of the dawn and hope in this area. If there is a defect in a regulatory gene called PPP_2R_1B, the tumor will appear in the body. The research team found that “PPP_2R_1B” in a “hot spot” (original meaning: forest fire-prone areas, here used escape) for cancer genes on chromosome (11). The team’s next work is: ... to screen The general population to see how common it is for people to have the mutations in PPP_2R_1B, and to see how common the mutationsare in tumors. At the turn of the century and the new century, we have reason to believe that the ultimate success of humans in conquering cancer is just around the corner. Of course, humans are far from the study of genes and chromosomes.
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