Modeling and optimal vibration control of conical shell with piezoelectric actuators

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In this paper numerical simulations of active vibration control for conical shell structure with dis-tributed piezoelectric actuators is presented.The dynamic equations of conical shell structure are derivedusing the finite element model (FEM) based on Mindlin’s plate theory.The results of modal calculationswith FEM model are accurate enough for engineering applications in comparison with experiment results.The Electromechanical influence of distributed piezoelectric actuators is treated as a boundary conditionfor estimating the control force.The independent modal space control (IMSC) method is adopted and theoptimal linear quadratic state feedback control is implemented so that the best control performance withthe least control cost can be achieved.Optimal control effects are compared with controlled responses withother non-optimal control parameters.Numerical simulation results are given to demonstrate the effective-ness of the control scheme. In this paper numerical simulations of active vibration control for conical shell structure with dis-tributed piezoelectric actuators is presented. The dynamic equations of conical shell structure are derived using the finite element model (FEM) based on Mindlin’s plate theory. The results of modal calculations with FEM model are accurate enough for engineering applications in comparison with experiment results. The Electromechanical influence of distributed piezoelectric actuators is treated as a boundary condition for estimating the control force. The independent modal space control (IMSC) method is adopted and the optimal linear quadratic state feedback control is implemented so that the best control performance with the least control cost can be achieved. Optimal control effects are compared with controlled responses withother non-optimal control parameters. Numerical simulation results are demonstrated to the effective-ness of the control scheme.
B.C.省公共教育实况  加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省(以下简称B.C.省)面积为94.78万平方公里,仅次于魁北克省和安大略省,为加拿大第三大省,是加拿大通往亚太地区的门户。人口数量居全国第三。下面是B.C.省教育厅网站上公布的一些关于公共教育的实况。    投资数额  2009年10月,省政府划拨到各学区的营运资金约为45.51亿美元,比2008年9月增加了8400万美元。  2000年1月,公立学
“所有的大人都曾经是孩子。可他们中能记得这一点的为数不多。而且,他们还指着我们的脸:怎么这么笨!最恨就是大人骂我们笨,这些大人知道我们在想什么吗?我愿我的爸爸妈妈永远是童真的。”  一语中的,这段话道出了父母与孩子之间的矛盾所在。当孩子呱呱落地,父母新的使命便开始了。如何教育好自己的孩子,使他茁壮成长成了父母的一道难题。刚出生的孩子就像一块泥巴,而做父母的,就要通过教育把这块泥巴变成一件艺术品。随
学校有个惯例,每逢星期一,天气好的话学校都会开晨会,升国旗,唱校歌,学校领导对上周的工作作一总结,并提出这个星期需要改进的地方。  今天是星期一,唱校歌时我突然发现,唱校歌的学生越来越少了,大部分学生不是在唱校歌,而是在听校歌。差不多一千人的学校,学生们的歌声完全“淹没”在喇叭的音乐伴奏声中。我看了看班上的学生,嘴巴是动的,但几乎没有发出声音,对于他们的表现,我唯有叹息,得找个时间说说这个问题。 
脑性瘫痪(Cerebral palsy CP)是指由于发育中胎儿和婴儿脑的非进行性损伤所致持续性运动和姿势发育异常、活动受限的一组综合征[1]。是最常见的儿童致残性疾病之一[2]。据流
应上海世博会组委会的邀请,中国榜书吉尼斯世界纪录创始人、著名书法家王德林先生前往世博园挥毫泼墨,给世博会的文化氛围又增添了一道亮色。据上海世博会组委 At the invit