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年年岁岁花相似,岁岁年年人不同。时势在变、环境在变,中国在变、世界在变,中国的工程机械产业又该如何应对这种迅捷的变迁?历经“九五”和“十五”期间的高速增长,中国工程机械行业发展大跨步向前,一路高歌,畅快淋漓。继而又在2006这个“十一五”的开局之年开了个好头,内销与外销出现两旺的喜人局面。更值得行业骄傲的是,2006年工程机械产品进出口首次出现顺差,这是一个拐点,标志着中国工程机械产业的国际化进程在加快,国际竞争力有了较大起色。是非成败转头空,过去的一切如过往云烟。对于企业而言,最重要的还是要面向将来,鉴往可以知来,重要的是要借鉴以往,深思未来,方能决胜于千里之外。中国工程机械做强之路还很漫长,未来仍是机遇与挑战共存、合作与竞争同在。我们行业不论是在技术水平、产品质量上,还是在企业管理上,还有很多事情要做,要在细节上下功夫。前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。机会总是垂青于有准备的人,以怎样的心态和智慧去迎接明天?在这里我们采访记录了众多协会领导、企业领袖、业界专家对于2007的分析和展望。他们主要观点的陈述,无疑将成为把握2007走势脉络的索引。 One year spent similar, each year is different. The situation is changing, the environment is changing, China is changing, the world is changing, China’s construction machinery industry and how to deal with this swift change? After “95” and “Tenth Five-Year” period of rapid growth, China Construction Machinery Industry Development of large strides forward, singing all the way, fun dripping. And then in 2006 this “Eleventh Five-Year” opened a good start in the year, both domestic and export prosperity booming situation. What is even more deserving of the industry’s pride is that for the first time in 2006 import and export of construction machinery products represented a surplus. This is an inflection point, marking the acceleration of the internationalization of China’s construction machinery industry and a significant improvement of its international competitiveness. It is a trivial success or failure, everything in the past as ever cloud. For enterprises, the most important thing is to look forward to the future. In view of this, we can see that it is important to draw lessons from the past and reflect on the future so as to win the victory thousands of miles away. China Construction Machinery is still a long way to go and the future is still the opportunity and challenge to coexist with cooperation and competition. Our industry, whether in terms of technical level, product quality, or business management, there are many things to do, to work hard on the details. The future is bright, the road is winding. Chances are always on the people who are prepared, with what kind of mentality and wisdom to meet tomorrow? Here we interviewed many association leaders, business leaders, industry experts for 2007 analysis and outlook. Their main point of view of the statement will undoubtedly become a grasp of the context of 2007 index.
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