A brief analysis aspect of my EFL curriculum with reference to selected curriculum models

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jiangdefeng1983
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  In the process of teaching and learning, teachers and students are asked what they should be planned, taught and learned in the school, how can they manipulate them smoothly and successfully. So in my essay, I want to cite Brown’s model to give a brief analysis of the following elements of curriculum: needs analysis, objectives, materials, teaching, testing and evaluation on the basis of my own curriculum experiences. That is a natural processing which is applied in my curriculum.
  Ⅰ. Needs Analysis:
  In general terms, needs analysis (also called needs assessment) refers to the activities involved in gathering information that will serve as the basis of developing a curriculum that will meet the learning needs of a particular group of students (Brown, 1995: 35). It should be referred to at the beginning of the curriculum. Different students have different need, such as pass the examination, communicate with others fluently, write a perfect VC to find a desired job. We can use various kind of methods (such as using existing information, interviewing, holding meeting, organizing questionnaire, etc) to get the information.
  Ⅱ. Objectives:
  Then let’s talk about objectives which can be defined as the particular knowledge, behaviors, and skills that the learner will be expected to know according to their needs at the end of a course.
  Because all of my students need to pass the exam, we have to organize the specific objectives to achieve that kind of need. I settle down the objectives at the beginning of the term and make them clear to every student. Take one unit for example, the objectives of one unit include remembering new vocabulary and phrases listed at the back of the textbook, reading and reciting the main paragraph in the text, making clear grammars appeared in the unit (such as past tense, noun phrases, non-infinitive clause etc) and completing the questions listed in the workbook correctly. In this section, students are not allowed to make objectives together with teacher, they are only asked to accept them passively.
  Ⅲ. Materials:
  In order to realize the objectives, we have to choose materials to use them in the class. Teacher may concern whether the existing materials are meet students’ needs and objectives. The contents of course are decided by the government in my school, and the standards or criteria are also organized beforehand. Based on the text book which arranged by the government, I also add some extra materials, New Concept English, to enrich students’ vocabulary and to strengthen their reading ability. After class, I would order students to finish the workbook to strength the knowledge learned in the class. In order to make students have a visual realize of the text and have a deep understanding of the text, I always show some pictures and maps to students. And I also make powerpoint so as to proceed a lesson in a more interesting way and to make students have a deeper understanding of the text.
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