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黄钟军(以下简称黄):作为年轻世代里比较新锐的导演,能跟我们简单谈谈您的成长经历吗?您好像说过,走上影像创作之路是一条充满意外的路,大学时代参加竞赛获奖是不是更加坚定了您要踏入这个行业的决心?同时也给您提供更多进入这个行业的机会?徐汉强(以下简称徐):我是台北板桥人,小时候倒没有想过要立志当导演,也没有想过要拍电影什么,我就是跟我这个世代长大的小孩一样,一路看电影长大的。但是如果要说跟电影相关的,那就是我非常喜欢说故事,我在幼稚园的时候就经常被老师叫去讲故事。还有我从小学、国中、高中就一直都很喜欢画漫画,那种有故事情节的漫画,恶搞一些历史故事和文学经典作品,后来就变成我的同学都很爱看,每个礼拜还会来催我稿子。高中时我加入了学校社团——电影社,才真正开始去研究电影的一些细节部分,会去查电影的一些基本信息等。那时候,我开 Huang Zhongjun (hereinafter referred to as Huang): As a younger generation of more cutting-edge director, can you talk to us about your growth experience? You seem to say that embarked on the road to creative image is a road full of surprises, college days to participate in the competition Winning is more determined to enter the industry you are determined? Also give you more opportunities to enter the industry? Xu Hanqiang (hereinafter referred to as Xu): I am a Taipei Banqiao people, did not want to be determined when I was a child Director, did not think about what to do movie, I just like my generation grew up children, all the way to watch movies grew up. But if it is film-related, that is, I really like to tell stories. When I was in kindergarten, I was often told by a teacher to tell a story. And I have always liked to draw cartoons since the elementary school, middle school and high school. The kind of cartoons with stories, the spoof of some historical stories and literary classics, and later, all of my classmates love to see each week. Will come to urge me draft. When I joined the school community in high school - the movie agency, I really started to study some of the details of the movie and went to check out some of the movie’s basic information. At that time, I opened
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