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据国家统计局最近公布的数据表明,今年一季度我国国内生产总值为43313亿元。同比增长了10.2%,略快于上年同期9.9%的增速。在这种高速运行的经济大形势下,作为与国民经济密切相关的重要生产资料和人民生活资料的木材而言,其需求量当然也会同步呈现旺盛增长的势头。反映在木材进、出口方面,也必然会延续近年来一直火旺的势头。原木历来是我国进口木材中的主打产品,这一品种的进口数量高低,往往是当时经济运行态势快慢的缩影。自从我国在上个世纪末实施了天然保护工程以及原木进口“零关税”等一系列有利于木材进口的政策以后,原木进口数量便逐年增加。到2005年,已达到历史上的高点2936.8万立方米,同比增长11.9%,已占全国当年商品木材生产量的一半以上。而今年1-3月原木进口数量为810.03万立方米,同比增长17.68%。不仅仍然保持着持续增长的势头,而且幅度之大,令人吃惊,因为这一个季度的原木进口数量,就比天保工程实施前一年的进口木材量还多。尤其是主要用于建设方面的针叶原木更是一跃达到515.95万立方米,同比增加25.87%。进口木材中的另一主要品种的锯材,今年一季度也同样保持着旺盛的增长势头,总量达到144.96万立方米,同比增长7.35%;价值金额为38572.3万美元,同比增长19.46%。值得注意的是,今年以来,原木进口数量虽然巨大,经济花费 According to data recently released by the National Bureau of Statistics, China’s GDP in the first quarter of this year was 4,313,3 billion yuan. The year-on-year increase was 10.2%, slightly faster than the 9.9% growth in the same period of last year. Under such a high-speed economic situation, the demand for wood, which is closely related to the national economy and is closely related to the production of the people and the people’s living materials, will naturally show a strong momentum of growth. Reflected in the import and export of timber, it is bound to continue the momentum of prosperity in recent years. Logs have always been the flagship product of China’s imported timber. The number of imported varieties of this species is often the epitome of the economic operation situation at that time. Since China implemented a series of natural timber protection projects and “zero-tariff” imported timber logs at the end of the last century, the import volume of logs has increased year by year. By 2005, it had reached a record high of 29.368 million cubic meters in history, an increase of 11.9% year-on-year, accounting for more than half of the country’s production of timber that year. In the January-March period, the number of logs imported was 8.103 million cubic meters, a year-on-year increase of 17.68%. Not only does it continue to maintain its momentum of growth, but it is surprisingly large because the number of logs imported this quarter is more than the amount of imported timber in the year before the implementation of the Tianbao Project. In particular, the coniferous logs, which were mainly used for construction, jumped to 5.159 million cubic meters, an increase of 25.87% over the same period last year. The sawn timber of another major species in imported wood also maintained strong growth momentum in the first quarter of this year, reaching a total of 1,449,600 cubic meters, an increase of 7.35% over the same period of last year. The value of the sawn timber was worth 35,873,300 US dollars, an increase of 19.46% over the same period of last year. It is worth noting that since the beginning of this year, the import volume of logs has been huge and the economic cost
有着50多年办刊历史的《中国海关》杂志是海关总署 主管的、面向国内外公开发行的惟一综合性月刊。2001年 全面改版5年来,《中国海关》杂志取得了诸多重要成 果。 The “Chi