
来源 :中国财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jfwhxl
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2004年,烟台市各级财政部门把增加农民收入,促进城乡经济社会协调发展作为工作的出发点和落脚点,积极调整支出结构,大幅度增加对“三农”的投入,引导社会资本和广大农民积极投资农业,初步建立起了财政支农资金稳定增长的机制。2004年,各级财政支农预算安排10.84亿元,较上年增长46.7%,占财政总支出的比重达到10%;市级财政支农预算安排2.99亿元,占到财政总支出的12%。1.加大农业基础设施建设投入力度,进一步改善农业和农村生产生活条件。烟台市广大农村经过多年的建设与发展,农业和农村生产生活条件有了很大改善。但相对于城市而言,仍有很大差距,特别是与群众生产生活密切相关的基础设施 In 2004, the financial departments at all levels in Yantai took the task of increasing peasants’ incomes and promoting the coordinated economic and social development in urban and rural areas as the starting point and ending point of their work. They actively adjusted their expenditure structure and substantially increased their investment in agriculture, rural areas and farmers so as to guide social capital and The majority of farmers actively invest in agriculture and initially set up a mechanism for the steady growth of financial support for agriculture. In 2004, the budgetary arrangements for fiscal agriculture at all levels amounted to 1.084 billion yuan, an increase of 46.7% over the previous year and accounting for 10% of the total fiscal expenditures. The budgetary allocation for municipal-level fiscal agriculture was 299 million yuan, accounting for 12% of the total government expenditure. . 1. Increase input in the construction of agricultural infrastructure to further improve agricultural and rural production and living conditions. After years of construction and development in Yantai, the vast rural areas have greatly improved their agricultural and rural living conditions. However, compared with the cities, there is still a long way to go, especially the infrastructure closely related to people’s production and life
On the basis of the assumption that ω2 model accords with source displacement spectra of moderate-small shocks, we calculate the apparent stress values of 1 02