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符号学是新兴的边缘性交叉学科,法国文学理论家罗兰·巴特将符号学划分为语言系统和神话本身构成的系统。但在笔者的观点中,符号学所包含的系统远大于这两类系统。在景观设计领域,符号学理论的运用可作为一个系统进行阐述,特色符号是符号学理论中的表现方式之一。特色符号在当代公共设施与城市景观小品中的运用十分广泛,将设计与特色符号联系起来能够创造出具有识别性、造型性、故事性、延展性与时代性的公共设施与城市景观小品。 Semiotics is a new and emerging interdisciplinary subject, and French literary theorist Roland Barthes divides semiotics into a system of linguistic and mythological per se. However, in my opinion, the system of semiotics contains much more than these two types of systems. In the field of landscape design, the application of semiotic theory can be described as a system, and the characteristic symbols are one of the manifestations in semiotic theory. Characteristic symbols are widely used in contemporary public facilities and urban landscapes, and linking design with characteristic symbols can create public facilities and urban landscapes with distinguishing, styling, storytelling, extensibility and time characteristics.
<正> 低血糖所引起的心动过速、多汗、精神和意识状态改变等均为弥漫性脑功能紊乱和肾上腺素释放的常见表现,已被大家所熟悉,然而低血糖引起的局限性神经功能障碍症状却易被
This study presents a new tool for solving stochastic boundary-value problems. This tool is created by modify the previous spectral stochastic meshless local Pe
1 病例资料男,40岁.因胸部刀伤急诊入某医院抢救,术中发现右心房刀伤,术中曾发生心脏骤停2次,经心脏按压复苏成功,予大量输血抢救并行右心房修补术,术后痊愈出院.术后28天自
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The 6061-T651 aluminium alloy is one of the most common aluminium alloys for marine components and general structures. The stress intensity factor (SIF) is an i