ACC Secretary—General Attended the China—ASEAN

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  Entrepreneurs High-Level Cooperation Dialogue
  On 11 September 2016, the China-ASEAN Entrepreneurs High-Level Cooperation Dialogue was held in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The Dialgue was hosted by the Secretariat of China-ASEAN Expo. Entrepreneurs and leaders of business associations from ASEAN and China attended the Dialogue. H.E. Mme. Yang Xiuping, Secretary-General of ASEAN-China Centre (ACC) attended the Dialogue and delivered a speech.
  Ms. Yang Yanyan, Vice Director General of Guangxi International Expositions Bureau and Vice Secretary-General of China-ASEAN Expo Secretariat delivered opening remarks. She noted that the influence of China-ASEAN Expo has been expanding, which plays an important role in promoting the functional cooperation between the two sides. The entrepreneurs should make good use of this platform to strengthen information sharing and business matching, acheive a win-win results, and inject new impetus into China-ASEAN relations.
  Secretary-General Yang Xiuping said that enterprises have been the main bodies of ASEAN-China economic cooperation and the promoters of ASEAN-China economic cooperation. Enhancing the exchanges and cooperation among entrepreneurs has been of great importance. She hoped the entrepreneurs of both sides could plan for business direction by integrating with the developing strategies of ASEAN and China, make good use of the existing mechanisms and resources to add vitality to broader cooperation, explore more for effective modes for cooperation creatively, enhance capacity building of personnel for entering into ASEAN-China market, attach importance to culture integration, and co-build a harmonious community. ACC would continue to build up more cooperative platforms for enterprises of both sides, so as to make contributions to the comprehensive development of ASEAN-China strategic relations.
  Mr. Korn Dabbaransi, Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Thailand and Chairman of Thai-Chinese Friendship Association recalled the history of Thailand-China as well as ASEAN-China friendly exchanges and cooperation. He said that the private enterprises has been an important driving force for the sustainable development of ASEAN-China relations. The Belt and Road Initiative, which aims for the peace, prosperity and common development, has gained more support for several countries. Thus, the business circles of ASEAN and China should seize the current opportunity in order to promote the cooperation in the fields of E-commerce, Internet-based finance, etc., which would finally upgrade ASEAN-China cooperation.
  Mr. Pung Kheav Se, Consultant of Cambodian Prime Minister and Chairman of Canadia Bank introduced the development strategy and investment environment of Cambodia, and encouraged Chinese entrepreneurs to invest in Cambodia. Moreover, Ms. Wang Shutong, CEO of DHGate. com shared her experience in E-commerce cooperation by analyzing the trend of global digital economy.
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