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当今是大经济联盟并起的时代,世界各国被分割、聚合成块,全面进行经济联合发展,西欧国家可谓是这种联合的最好例证.1957年欧洲共同体市场诞生后,发展迅速,后覆盖成为今天的“欧盟”,1999年初随着欧洲统一货币的产生,欧洲经济一体化翻开了历史新篇章.当前,阿拉伯国家正处在自由交换或自由贸易的前期准备阶段,这是迈向经济一体化的第一步,然后是建立海关联盟和共同市场.去年2月20日,阿拉伯国家在国际经济大趋势的推动下,宣布筹建阿拉伯自由贸易区.根据规定,从今年1月1日起,阿拉伯各国开始降低关税及各种贸易税收,逐步实现所有阿拉伯商品的自由交换,最终实现阿拉伯市场的全面放开,力争在2008年前正式建立阿拉伯自由贸易区.据悉,阿拉伯经济社会委员会在其第59次大会上,己委托阿盟秘书处着手研究现存的阿拉伯自由贸易区,要求在1998年底前交出研究、分析报告.一、已建成的自由贸易区1.埃及塞得港自由贸易区:本世纪70年代建于埃及塞得港.该自由贸易区建立后,食 Nowadays, when the great economic alliance was in place, all the countries in the world were divided, aggregated into blocks and all-round economic cooperation was developed. Western European countries are the best examples of this alliance. After the birth of the European Community in 1957, the market developed rapidly and then covered Becoming the “EU” today and the European economic integration has opened a new chapter of history with the emergence of the European unified currency in early 1999. At present, the Arab countries are in the preparatory stage of free exchange or free trade, The first step of integration was followed by the establishment of the Customs Union and the Common Market. On February 20 last year, Arab countries announced the preparations for the establishment of an Arab Free Trade Area under the impetus of the international economic trend. According to the regulations, starting from January 1 this year , Arab countries began to reduce their tariffs and various trade taxes and gradually realize the free exchange of all Arab goods and finally achieve the full liberalization of the Arab market in an effort to formally establish an Arab free trade area by 2008. It is learned that the Arab Economic and Social Commission At the 59th congress, the Arab League secretariat was commissioned to study the existing Arab Free Trade Area and demand that it be surrendered before the end of 1998 Studies, analysis report, has been completed and the Free Trade Area 1. Egypt Port Said free trade area: the 1970s was built in Port Said in Egypt after the establishment of the free trade zone, food.
<正> 20世纪下半叶生产力和科技革命的迅速发展,使经济全球化成为当今世界一股不可阻挡的历史潮流,它对世界各国的发展产生着重大的影响。在经济全球化的进程中,中国处于什么样的地位,它面临着什么样的挑战,将作什么样的选择,本文拟从这一方面做一初步的探讨。
校园里的网球,伴着朝阳和着暮霭,与学子们的青春一同飞舞。忆起自己网球的故事,才知道对它的爱有多深。 Tennis on campus, accompanied by the sunrise and evening mist,
当乔丹一人拖着奇才队在独自苦苦挣扎时,我们想到了皮蓬——如果没有他这个绿叶作衬,哪来的旷世飞人? 乔丹在他的自传里说,只有很少很少的人能够称得上伟大。皮蓬就是皮蓬,