Saving and saved by stray cats 拯救流浪猫,也被猫拯救

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  1.feline adj. 猫科的
  2.mecca n. 胜地;令人向往的地方
  3.pedestrian adj. 行人的
  4.spotlight n. 聚光灯
  5.magnet n. 有吸引力的人(或地方);磁铁
  6.vaccinate v. 给……接种疫苗
  7.erect v. 竖立;搭起
  The moment you arrive at Houtong Village in northern Taiwan, youll have no trouble knowing who the real stars are. Theres a cat?shaped bridge, pet food bowls on the side of the walkways, street signs with cat pictures, cat?themed cafes and, of course, furry feline friends roaming (漫步) freely everywhere.
  In the early 1900s, Houtong, in New Taipei City, was the biggest and most technologically advanced coal?mining site in Taiwan. It was a prosperous town with about 6,000 residents and workers, before the mine fell into disuse in 1990.
  As most young residents moved away for better opportunities, Houtong became a sleepy village with about 100 residents. But in 2010, Houtongs fame took off after a cat lover and photographer started blogging about the villages growing stray (无主的) cat population.
  Houtong was transformed into a cat?lover mecca while also providing a source of income for local villagers. Many of the stray cats, now given affectionate nicknames, are taken care of by local villagers as well as a troop of volunteers.
  In addition to the villages many cute kitty?themed shops and cafes, the local government has also seized the opportunity to highlight its long history.
  An award?winning pedestrian cat bridge was built. A cat information and education center opened in 2014, featuring elevated cat walkways on the facade(正面) of the building. A museum park dedicated to the towns former mining life opened in 2010, later hosting a cat lantern festival in 2012.
  But Houtong, now under the spotlight, isnt completely perfect. According to local reports, the town has become a magnet for those looking for a place to abandon their unwanted pets. During the most recent survey, it was estimated that the village is now home to about 286 cats —50 head more than two years ago.
  With the constant patting and feeding from visitors, some also stirred concerns about the health of the furry residents. The department works with local residents and volunteers to vaccinate the cats and provide regular medical treatment. Signs have been erected around town advising visitors how to behave while also pleading with pet owners to be responsible.
  ——From CNN
  What does the author mean by giving the title“Saving and saved by stray cats” according to the text?
  Complete the following phrases according to the text.
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