江西建筑材料厂经过三年的奋力拼搏,从1988年由连年亏损变为略有盈利(仅0.6万元)后,利润年年大幅度增长,1989年为155.5万元,1990年为195万元,其他各项经济效益指标,也都有很大提高,步入了南昌市大中型企业的先进行列.我们于最近对这个厂作了一些调查,现报告如下. (一) 江西建材厂创建于1950年,原是一个以生产砖瓦为主的国营中型企业.建厂以来,由于品种单一,经营管理不善,加之土源日益枯竭、原材料涨价等主客观因素的共同作用,1954
After three years of strenuous efforts, the Jiangxi Building Materials Factory has experienced a significant increase year after year from a loss in successive years from 1988 to a slight profit (only RMB 6,000). It was RMB 1.555 million in 1989 and RMB 1.95 million in 1990. The other indicators of economic efficiency have also greatly improved and entered the ranks of large and medium-sized enterprises in Nanchang City. We recently conducted a number of investigations on this plant and the following reports are presented. (1) Jiangxi Building Materials Factory was founded in In 1950, it was originally a state-owned medium-sized enterprise mainly engaged in the production of bricks and tiles. Since the plant was built, due to the single species, poor management, and the combined effects of subjective and objective factors such as increasing depletion of land resources and rising raw material prices, 1954