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在水库、湖泊等水域引进移植太湖大银鱼,一般成功后当年或隔年即可进行人工采卵做外移或重复放流,2—3年后就能形成优势种群。如何做好银鱼捕捞,这是与移植技术、水环境保护同等重要的一个生产环节。依我们的经验,要点为: 一、亲体采捕。进行大银鱼人工繁殖的季节在长江以北地区是12月中、下旬至翌年元月上旬,其高峰期只有7—10天。此时正值结冰期,银鱼多集中于冰下产卵场。捕获亲体的方法一是用目大1.6—2.2厘米、高0.8—1.8米的单层单丝刺网破冰置于产卵场作业。宜多选产卵场、多布网,下网6—8小时后取网摘得亲体做人工授精。一般情况下,以半夜至黎明时分上网率高,中午到入夜捕获量明显减少,可在测捕期间随时调整作业时间和强度。二是用底拖网作业,仅限在大风不止、冰结不成的情况下用双船拖网或单船拖网捕捞,随作业随取亲体,不可拖压时间过长,压损亲体。此法优点是 In the reservoir, lake and other waters introduced the introduction of Taihu Barracuda, after the general success of the year or year can be artificial egg extraction to do the relocation or repeated release, 2-3 years after the formation of the dominant population. How to do a good job of silverfish fishing, which is an important production process with transplantation technology and water environment protection. According to our experience, points are as follows: First, the parental capture. The season for artificial breeding of big whitebait is in the area north of the Yangtze River from mid-December to early January of the following year with a peak of only 7-10 days. At this time positive ice, silver fish and more concentrated in the ice spawning grounds. First method to capture the parent body with a large 1.6-2.2 cm, 0.8-1.8 m high monolayer monolith wire nets ice placed in the spawning field operation. Should choose multiple spawning grounds, multi-cloth network, 6-8 hours after the net to take the network to do parental insemination. Under normal circumstances, in the middle of the night to dawn high rate of Internet access, a significant reduction in catch at noon to night, during the arrest can be adjusted at any time job time and intensity. The second is bottom trawling operations, only in the gale more than ice ice can not be completed under the conditions of double-trawl trawling or single-boat trawling, with the job with the parent, can not be dragging a long time, pressure loss of the parent body. The advantage of this method is
用数学思想方法解有关化学问题,可简化运算,提高解题速度。诸多化学问题可通过数学抽象成数学模型,进而用数学方法推理、演算得出数学结论,再结合 Using mathematical thin
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