Endangered lowland oak forest steppe remnants keep unique bird species richness in Central Hungary

来源 :林业研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanminaaaa
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The biodiversity of natural or semi-natural native,old oak woodlands have high conservation impor-tance,especially in landscapes of monocultural forest plan-tations and arable fields.With a wider variety of microhabi-tats and foraging sources,such old oak forests can provide essential habitat for native forest bird communities.We con-ducted a study using bird point counts to compare the forest bird communities of old pedunculate oak (Quercus robur)remnants with native and non-native plantations in central Hungary in a landscape of mostly arable fields,settlements,and monocultural plantations.Avian surveys were carried out in old oak forest remnants,middle-aged oak,white pop-lar (Populus alba),hybrid poplar (Populus × euramericana),black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia),and pine (Pinus spp.)plantations.Fieldwork has been carried out in nine study sites,where all six habitat types were represented (with a few exceptions),to determine total abundance,species rich-ness,Shannon-Wiener diversity,species evenness,domi-nant and indicator species,and guild abundances.We found that old oak forest remnants were the most diverse habitats among the studied forest types,while hybrid poplar and pine plantations exhibited the lowest avian biodiversity.The avian guilds most sensitive to the loss of old oak forest remnants were ground foragers,bark foragers,cavity-nest-ers,residents,and Mediterranean migratory birds.Native habitats were more diverse than non-native plantations.Our results suggest that it is important to conserve all remaining high biodiversity old oak stands and to avoid clear-cutting of monocultural plantations in favour of practices such as mixed-species plantations,longer rotation lengths,or reten-tion forestry.
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1牛髓膏子rn组方:黄精膏150 g,地黄膏90 g,天门冬膏30 g,牛骨油60 g.rn用法:将黄精膏、地黄膏、天门冬膏、牛骨油同放锅,煮沸收膏即成.每次10 mL,每日3次,空腹温黄酒适量送服.rn功用:补益精髓,强壮筋骨,延年益寿.rn2参杞膏rn组方:党参1 000g,枸杞500g,炼蜜250g.rn用法:将诸药择净,研细,水煎3次,3液合并,文火浓缩,加入蜂蜜适量煮沸收膏即成.每次20 mL,每日3次,温开水适量送服.