1954年,国庆五周年大庆前夕,敌特策划在当时华南地区的政治、文化中心——广州市制造具有国际影响的“惊天大爆炸”。当时广州市的繁华地点——火车站、岭南文化宫、新华戏院、电厂、机场等处,都是他们的目标。他们伺机将美制 TNT 黄色海绵烈性炸弹、美制银灰色燃烧弹六枚,偷运入境。可敌特万万没有想到,负责偷运任务的梁初(后改为梁焕),竟是我方卧底,入境后立即将炸弹及燃料弹转交我方,并由专业技术人员排除爆破燃烧功能,再由梁初在严密布控下交给敌特分子,最终将该敌特团伙25人一举抓获。由于当年敌我斗争尖锐复杂,有关部门为保护梁初和他的家人采取了特别措施,于是,在广州市中院的判决中,本应是英雄的梁初背上了反革命、特务之名。由于种种原因,这个罪名一背就是48年。
In 1954, on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the National Day, the enemy special planned to create a “big bang” with international influence in the then political and cultural center of southern China. At that time, Guangzhou’s bustling locations - the train station, Lingnan Culture Palace, Xinhua Theater, power plants, airports and other places, are their goals. They await the opportunity to smuggle and enter the United States TNT yellow sponge bombs and the U.S. silver-gray burning bombs. However, no one had ever imagined that Liang Chul (later renamed Liang Huan), who was responsible for the smuggling of her mission, was actually undercover me. Immediately after her entry, she handed over the bombs and fuel bombs to us and the professional and technical personnel ruled out blasting and burning functions. Under the tight control of Liang Chu, they were handed over to enemy specialists and eventually 25 enemy enemy special groups were captured in one fell swoop. Because of the sharp and complicated struggle between the enemy and the people in that year, the relevant departments took special measures to protect Liang and his family. Therefore, in the judgment of the Guangzhou Intermediate Court, Liang Chul, who should have been a hero, was back in the name of a counter-revolutionary and spy. For a variety of reasons, this charge is 48 years back.