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1984年至1988年张爱玲因患蚤子的咬噬病症,长达四年间辗转在洛杉矶附近的汽车旅馆里,过着居无定所的流浪生活。对于张爱玲的这次蚤子之患外界有很多推测、揣测。本文在研究张爱玲不同时期写给不同对象的信件的基础上,确证张爱玲的确患过蚤子的咬噬病症,并且进一步推出张爱玲晚年之所以闭门避世的原因是:为各种疾病所苦,没有精力与外界交往;雅好独处,性格使然。最主要的还是为了静下心来经营写作。 From 1984 to 1988, Zhang Ailing was bitten by a flea infection and spent as much as four years driving around in a motel near Los Angeles, living in a homeless area. There are many speculations and speculations about this flea infestation by Zhang Ailing. Based on the essays written by Zhang Ailing in different periods, this paper confirms that Zhang Ailing did indeed suffer from the biting disease caused by fleas, and further introduced the reason why Zhang Ailing was in her later years because she was suffering from various diseases without Energetic interaction with the outside world; elegant alone, character. The most important thing is to stop working to write.
随着环球经济回稳,股市、高息债券、商品等在过去半年均大幅飙升,不少地区的股市市盈率已回升至2007年的高峰。这个时候有哪些投资产品值得关注? With the global economy s