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一“评上职称也罢,考上职称也罢,总之,是有了职称资格。但是,还要得到单位的聘任,然后才能兑现职称工资。如得不到单位的聘任,就如同竹篮打水,白忙一场。”魏樵这样想着,又走进了镇组织科。魏樵的工作单位是魏场镇农村经济管理服务中心,中心共有六人:李主任、陈主任(批文是副主任,但谁也不提批文,人们称呼他时都把“副”省去)、管理员王迎、王梅、杨红和魏樵。魏樵通过全国考试,获得了经济师资格,他到组织科找刘科长,要求解决职称聘任问题。其实,这一年,镇党委已把魏樵列入后备干部,作为副科级干部的提拔对象,但魏樵对此不感兴趣,他认为只要能兑现自己的职称工资,每月就可多拿二三百元,和副科级没多大区别。 A “assessment of the title worth mentioning, admitted to the title worth mentioning, in short, is qualified with the title.But, but also to get the unit’s appointment, and then to fulfill the title salary.If you do not get the unit’s appointment, it is like a basket of water , White and busy. ”“ Wei Qiao think so, and walked into the town of organizational branch. Wei Qiao’s work unit is Weichang Town Rural Economic Management Service Center, a total of six centers: Director Li, Director Chen (approval is the deputy director, but who do not mention the batch, people call him ”vice" province Go), administrators Wang Ying, Wang Mei, Yang Hong and Wei Qiao. Wei Qiao passed the national examination, obtained the qualification of economist, he went to the organizational division to find Chief Liu, asked to solve the problem of appointment of titles. In fact, this year, the town party committee has included Wei Qiao reserve cadres, deputy section-level cadres promoted the object, but Wei Qiao is not interested in this, he believes that as long as they can fulfill their titles salary every month can take more than two Three hundred yuan, and no significant difference between the deputy section.
又是一年丹桂飘香的季节,校园的每个角落里都散发出浓郁的秋的气息。看着宣传栏里考入高中的孩子们的照片,思绪不禁飞到了15年前…… It is also the season when Dangui is
星期天,吃过午饭,我躺在沙发上欣赏着MP3里放出的音乐:“我是一只小小鸟,想要飞,却怎么也飞不高……”听着听着就进入了梦乡。 On Sunday, after lunch, I lay on the couch
2009年年底,来自美国、英国、德国、日本、韩国等36个国家的500多名留学生齐聚杭城,在浙江大学永谦剧场内阵阵“洋腔洋调”的精彩表演中,揭开了“梦行浙江”全省第三届外国留学生系列活动的序幕。    “五湖四海”展才艺  温州医学院的阿拉伯学生一身“白羊肚毛巾红腰带”的农民装束,铿锵有力地唱起了陕北民歌。接着,22所高校的逾百位留学生纷纷献上他们精心准备的节目:喀麦隆、乌克兰、韩国、吉尔吉斯斯坦学
阳光是初春里升起的第一丝暖意,是暮色苍茫时天际的归鸿,是如水月光下静谧的庭院,是令人怦然心动的精灵。  悠悠岁月,无数个春夏秋冬更迭。在生命中的每一天,当你蓦然回首时,才发现自己拥有了一缕缕金色的阳光。  清晨醒来,蒙眬中看到一条金带在闪动,像一簇燃烧的火焰。那是什么呢?我满腹疑惑。来到它跟前,才恍然大悟:原来,那是一缕阳光,它从窗帘缝中射了进来。拉开窗帘,呵,整个天地一片金黄,此乐何极!忽然产生
On December 7, 2009, visiting Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao visited China Culture Center in Cairo, Eygpt and granted awards to nine Egyptians who had made outstand
本刊讯2007年7月8日,经贵州省优秀期刊评选委员会会议讨论通过,并于7月13日在《贵州日报》上公示,我省有19种期刊荣获第一届贵州省优秀期刊奖。由贵州省 On July 8, 2007, t