开展三个宣传 引导渔民踊跃订刊

来源 :内陆水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Johnson_Gu
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一是大力宣传《内陆水产》、《中国水产》的知识性、综合性、适应性,使渔民真正懂得这“两刊”是我们了解渔业政策,传递渔业信息,提高科技水平,加速渔民致富的一本必读杂志;二是大力宣传学刊用刊的先进典型,增强渔民订刊的自觉性。共华区八形汉渔场,通过学习1989年原《湖南水产》第二期“两万亩浅水湖泊人工施化肥技术及其效果的研究”和第三期“常德市大中水面渔业开发问题探讨”两篇文章后,1990年将700亩的宪成上河实行化肥养鱼。通过一年的努力,平均单产60公斤,比1989年的21公斤增长1.8倍,比1990年未实行化肥养鱼的宪成下河增长1.3倍。今年在去年受益的影响下,全场干群统一思想,统一部署,已将4000亩的大湖水面全部实施化肥养鱼,并做到了五个落实:即思想落实;产量、产值及目标要求落实;鱼种、饵肥料落实;资金落实和管湖班子落实。今年共计筹措鱼种和饵肥料等生产资金39万多元,已投放大规格 First, vigorously publicize the knowledge, comprehensiveness and adaptability of “inland aquatic products” and “Chinese aquatic products” so that fishermen can truly understand that these two issues are the means by which we understand the fishery policy, transmit the fishery information, raise the scientific and technological level, and accelerate the fishermen’s enrichment Of a must-read magazine; the second is to vigorously promote the advanced model journal publication, enhance fishermen’s consciousness of the magazine. A total of eight Chinese Han Chinese fishing grounds, through the study of 1989, “Hunan Aquatic” second “two acres of shallow lake artificial fertilization technology and its effect” and the third phase "Changde City, large and medium surface fishery development issues After the two articles, in 1990, 700 mu of constitutional medicine was put on the river to carry out fertilizer and fish farming. Through a year of hard work, the average yield of 60 kilograms, an increase of 1.8 times that of 21 kilograms in 1989 and 1.3 times that of the river under the constitution of a non-implemented fertilizer and fish farming in 1990. This year, under the influence of last year’s beneficiaries, all the people and cadres in the entire field unified thought and unified deployment. They have all implemented fertilizer and fish farming on the 4,000-acre Great Lakes water surface and have implemented them in five aspects: implementation of ideas, implementation of output, output value and objectives, Fish species, bait fertilizer implementation; funds to implement and management team to implement the lake. This year, raising a total of more than 390,000 yuan of production funds such as fish species and bait fertilizer have been put on large-scale specifications
经铁道部和陕西省人民政府批准,国内又一家合资铁路公司——陕西西延铁路公司于1994年7月31日在陕西省西安市宣告成立。 西(安)延(安)铁路南起陇海铁路的新丰镇编组站,向北
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