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去祖母家时,已是天黑。祖母一个人坐在屋里,我只能看到她一个大概的轮廓,却看不清她脸上的表情。我说,怎么不开灯呀?祖母说,灯坏了,明天找人来修。我说,点蜡烛吧?祖母说,家里没有蜡烛,现在很少能用上它了,没事,今晚就将就点吧。我说,那怎么成。便跑到外面去买蜡烛,最后,找了好几家小店才算买到了一支,而且那支蜡烛还是店家自己用过一次的。我跑回祖母家里时,屋里已经一点都看不见了。我摸着门进了屋,祖母说,屋子乱,小心绊脚啊。我答应着,凭着感觉摸到了桌子,摸到了祖母平日放打火机的抽屉,取出来,轻轻一按,一缕火苗就窜了出来,蜡烛是用过的,所以一点就着了。 It was dark when I went to my grandmother’s house. Grandmother sitting in the room alone, I can only see her a rough outline, but can not see the expression on her face. I said, why not turn on the light? Grandmother said that the light is broken, find someone to repair tomorrow. I said, lit candles, Grandmother said there is no candle at home, and now rarely used it, and nothing, tonight will be on the point. I said, then how come. Then ran outside to buy a candle, and finally, find several shops to be considered one, and the candle or the store itself once used. When I ran back to my grandmother’s house I could barely see the room. I touched the door into the house, my grandmother said the house chaos, careful stumbling ah. I promised, with the feeling touched the table, touched the grandmother put the drawer on the lighters on weekdays, taken out, gently press, a ray of flames to channeling out, the candle is used, so a little on the.
读了2010年《民主与法制》第1期《法律背后的文化隐喻》一文,笔者认为,司法不能残酷,也不能失去强制力,而是需要现实文明。 Read the 2010 “democracy and the rule of law
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