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教师的专业化发展是教师在充分认识教育教学工作意义的基础上,不断提升专业精神、增强专业修养与掌握规律、拓展专业知识、强化专业技能的过程。根据语文教师专业化发展现状,剖析制约教师专业化发展的原因、寻求解决问题的对策,是现阶段学校在规划教师专业化发展前的首要任务。荔波县地处黔南州南部,毗邻广西南丹、环江,属老少边穷地区、国定贫困县。荔波高级中学是全县唯一的一所普通高中,2004年1月被评为省级示 The professional development of teachers is a process by which teachers, on the basis of fully understanding the significance of education and teaching work, continuously improve their professionalism, enhance professional cultivation and mastery of laws, expand their professional knowledge and strengthen their professional skills. According to the present situation of the development of Chinese teachers’ specialization, it is necessary to analyze the reasons that restrict the development of teachers’ specialization and how to find solutions to the problems. It is the most important task for schools to plan teachers’ professional development at this stage. Libo County is located in the southern Qiannan Prefecture, adjacent to Nandan in Guangxi, the Huanjiang, is an affluent young and poor, national poverty counties. Libo High School is the only ordinary high school in the county, was named the provincial level in January 2004
介绍一种专家控制策略 ,它解决配煤过程控制中精确地决定和跟踪每种煤的目标配比这两个关键问题 .首先基于统计数据和经验知识 ,建立神经网络 ,数学模型和规则模型 .然后提出
本试验目的是探明广东中部丘陵地区不同地力的杂交稻与常规稻千斤栽培的吸氮水平和吸氮特点,为制订合理的施氮措施,提高氮肥的经济效益提供依据。试验材料及方法 1982——19
For patients with metastatic or locally advanced eyelid and periocular carcinoma not amenable to surgical excision, targeted therapies have shown efficacy with
小麦应用亚硫酸氢钠的研究,国外至今尚未报道。1979年王义彰等首次提出200ppmNaHSO_3对水稻有增产效果。目前国内在稻作区开展 NaHSO_3大田应用近200万亩。1984年作者等在北
多花黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum)是世界温带地区普遍栽培的一种速生性刈割禾草,亦是我省近年确定的主要推广草种之一。据各地实践和我们在盆地西部(我所新津牧草试验场)开展
鉴于缺乏有关埃及三叶草遗传变异性和性状的资料(Yadav 等,1974~1980),故在这种重要的饲料作物的不同的品种(60个)中从事了一项旨在测定产量、品质及影响产量的组分变异性的