湖南稻谷价格小幅上升 生猪价格稳中有涨——2013年11月湖南价格指数点评

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稻谷价格小幅上升大米价格走势趋稳据湖南稻谷成本价格发布平台监测统计,2013年11月份,全省稻谷综合收购价格比上月(环比)上涨0.11%,比上年同期(同比)下降2.58%,比2010年1月(定比)上涨30.81%。大米综合批发价格和零售价格均与上月持平。(一)稻谷收购综合均价比上月上涨据统计,11月份湖南省各类稻谷在米厂接货的收购综合平均价格为每50公斤132.99元,比上月上涨0.11%。监测的中籼稻、普通晚籼稻、优质晚籼稻每50公斤收购价格分别为132.81元、132.84元、139.71元,比上月分别上涨1.25元、0.57元、2.64元;普通早籼稻、优质早籼稻每50公斤收购价格为129.25元、133.75元,比上月分别下降1.37元、0.21元。11 Rice prices rose slightly According to the Hunan rice cost price release platform monitoring statistics, in November 2013, the province’s rice comprehensive purchase price rose 0.11% over last month (sequential), down 2.58% over the same period of previous year (year on year) , Up 30.81% over the January 2010 (to be fixed). The wholesale price and retail price of rice were unchanged from the previous month. (A) the average purchase price of rice increased from last month According to statistics, in November the various types of rice in Hunan Province, the acquisition of rice plant integrated average price of 132.99 yuan per 50 kg, up 0.11% from the previous month. The purchase price of medium-indica rice, ordinary late indica rice and high-quality late indica rice per mu for monitoring was 132.81 yuan, 132.84 yuan and 139.71 yuan respectively, up 1.25 yuan, 0.57 yuan and 2.64 yuan respectively from the previous month; the average early indica rice and high-quality early indica rice 50 kg purchase price of 129.25 yuan, 133.75 yuan, down 1.37 yuan from the previous month, 0.21 yuan. 11
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