
来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kcl
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武术套路运动是一项对速度、爆发力和协调性要求特别高的全身性运动。根据武术套路的特点对腰部的要求很高,有“练拳不练腰,终究艺不高”之说。由于腰部在武术套路训练中要承受各种动作对它的刺激,承受不同负荷,久而久之就容易产生各种原因的损伤,并由此影响正常的训练和比赛。为了能促进训练工作的正常开展,为了能延长运动员的运动寿命,为了能保证比赛成绩的提高,本文通过对腰部损伤状况的调查分析,在损伤原因和损伤种类等方面进行了分析研究,并提出了一些对策和建议,为减少腰部损伤,提高训练效果、攀登技术高峰提供参考依据。 Wushu Routine exercise is a generalized movement that requires exceptionally high speed, explosiveness and coordination. According to the characteristics of the Wushu routines high on the waist, “practice boxing practice waist, after all, art is not high,” said. As the waist in the Wushu training routine to withstand a variety of actions to stimulate it, to withstand different loads, as time passes it is easy to produce a variety of causes of injury, and thus affect the normal training and competition. In order to promote the normal work of training, in order to extend the athletic life of athletes, in order to ensure the improvement of competition results, this paper analyzes and analyzes the causes of injuries and the types of injuries through the investigation and analysis of the status of lumbar injuries. A number of countermeasures and suggestions, in order to reduce waist injury, improve training effectiveness, climbing technology to provide a reference for the peak.
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现代人非常爱喝的速溶咖啡和奶茶,其实不是好东西。它们含有大量奶精,这是一种反式脂肪酸,会减少男性激素 Modern people love to drink instant coffee and milk tea, in f
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