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1.国际组织概述国际组织一般是指两个以上的国家的政府,民间团体或个人为特定的国际合作的目的,通过协议而创设的常设机构。[1]当代的国际组织名目繁多,类型多样,其相应的职能也各不相同。2.国际组织的发展国际组织并非开始就有,而是国际关系发展到一定阶段的产物。于人类社会的发展史密切相关。国际组织的形成有一个从国家间的民间交往到正式的政府间交往,从民间国际团体到政府间国际会议,最后建立国际组织的过程。国际组织的发展又经历了从专门性国际组织到一般性国际组织等阶段。[2]其实类似于国家间的国际交往形式早已存在,以中国为例,典型的如西汉张骞出使西域开始,逐步发展起来的丝绸之路,享誉世界,其范围贯穿欧亚大陆,史书上更是以“凿空”来彪炳其重要的历史地位。但严格的说,早期的民间交往并不是在现代国 1. Overview of International Organizations International organizations generally refer to the permanent establishments created through agreements for the purpose of specific international cooperation by governments, civil society or individuals in more than two countries. [1] Contemporary international organizations have a wide variety of different types and their corresponding functions vary. 2. Development of an international organization An international organization does not start there but is a product of the development of international relations to a certain stage. The development of human society is closely related to history. The formation of international organizations has a process of inter-state non-government exchanges, formal intergovernmental exchanges, international civil society organizations, international intergovernmental meetings and the establishment of international organizations. The development of international organizations has gone through stages from specialized international organizations to general international organizations. [2] Actually similar to the forms of international exchanges between countries already exist. In China, for example, the typical Western Han Dynasty, Zhang Qian, the western region began to travel, and gradually developed the Silk Road, world-renowned, its scope throughout the Eurasian continent, the history books It is also “hollowing out” to reveal its important historical status. But strictly speaking, the early non-governmental exchanges are not in the modern state
在仿射投影算法的基础上 ,提出了两种简化仿射投影自适应滤波算法 (SAP) .新算法的收敛速度比传统的能量归一化最小均方误差算法 (NLMS)快 ,而计算量增加不多 ,易于实时实现
由于一字、一词、一句甚至一个标点符号的误用导致辞不达意或以辞害意的,目前在报刊上仍屡见不鲜。下面数例是近期读报随手拾取的,略加点评,以期引起作者、编者的注意。 Du
民俗是人类活动的活着的考古资料。从民俗角度观察文字的起源, 是文字学的一个重要内容,而且日益为人们所重视。先民的原始记事方式大致可分为三类:物件记事、符号记事和图画记