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如何准确把握制造业强国战略所带来的机遇和挑战、如何有效应对是摆在汽车全行业最紧迫的任务当前,新一轮科技革命和产业革命与我国加快转变经济发展方式形成历史性交汇。为抓住这一重大历史机遇,国家提出制造业强国战略,力争通过三个十年的努力把我国建设成为引领世界制造业发展的制造强国;“中国制造2025”是我国制造强国第一个十年的行动纲领。汽车产业作为我国制造重点突破领域之一,如何准确把握制造业强国战略所带来的机遇和挑战、如何有效应对是摆在全行业最紧迫的任务。 How to accurately grasp the opportunities and challenges brought by the strategy of making a powerful nation by manufacturing industry and how to deal with it effectively are the most urgent tasks for the entire automobile industry. At this juncture, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and the industrial revolution have formed a historical confluence with China’s accelerated transformation of economic development. In order to seize this momentous historical opportunity, the state has put forward the strategy of building a powerful nation by manufacturing and will strive to build China into a manufacturing powerhouse leading the development of the manufacturing industry in the world through the efforts of three decades. The “Made in China 2025” Ten-year program of action. As one of the key breakthrough areas for manufacturing in China, how to accurately grasp the opportunities and challenges brought by the strategy of building a strong manufacturing nation and how to deal with it effectively are the most pressing tasks for the entire industry.
学习数学不能局限于会解几道题,而更重要的是如何想问题,怎样思维的发散,下面通过一题多解谈谈自己的做法. 例:已知点P(x,y)是圆C:(x-3)2+(y-4)2=1上任意一点,另有两点A(1,0
CCTV-118:30 Children’s World19:00 News19:45 Around the World20:20 Film:Diary of a Nurse21:50 Message from the Market22:20 Modern Arts23:00 End CCTV-118:30 Ch
月亮上来了。   今晚夜色清冷,有些落桐秋意了。教室里的日光灯惨白惨白,我凝视着窗外罩着月色的灰暗树影,不知怎地想起家来了。   那静默于村子深处的旧楼,一个小院落,一口满是黛色湿苔的井……井边的盆里肯定浸着饭碗。母亲晚饭后从不洗碗,梳洗打扮一下便出去打牌。她削瘦如竹影,有文化,自然不同于其他农村妇女,她活得逍遥得多。牌桌上的输输赢赢倒也打发掉她不少怨言重重的日子。   自我记忆
理科 1.若集合M={y|y=2x},P={y|y=√x+1},则M∩P=( ). (A){y | y>1} (B){y | y≥1} (C){y | y>0} (D){y | y≥0} 点解:求出值域本题集合M与P中的代表元素是y,则M∩P Scienc