Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Hot Rolled Strip by Using Semi-Parametric Single-Index Model

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kms2006
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A semi-parametric single-index model based approach was proposed for prediction of mechanical properties of hot rolled strip. Based on industrial production data, a semi-parametric single-index model was developed by choosing the appropriate kernel function and window width to predict the yield strength, tensile strength and elongation. When data samples are limited, compared with regression method and neural network method, the prediction results show that the semi-parametric single-index model based method is more adaptive and the prediction performance is superior to those by both regression and neural network methods. Based on industrial production data, a semi-parametric single-index model was developed by choosing the appropriate kernel function and window width to predict the When data samples are limited, compared with regression method and neural network method, the prediction results show that the semi-parametric single-index model based method is more adaptive and the prediction performance is superior to those by both regression and neural network methods.
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