Integration of Communicative Language Teaching and Speech Acts

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  ◆Abstract:Under the circumstance of examination-oriented education, priorities are given to the word memorization, grammar analysis, and exercise drills in the English class. However, China is playing a pivotal role in the international arena now, resulting in the fact that more and more communication-skilled talents are needed. In the current pedagogical methodology, this need is doomed to dissatisfy. This essay is to analyze the speech act theory to integrate into the Communicative Language Teaching, in order to foster students’ comprehensive English communicative competence.
  ◆Key Words: CLT ;speech acts ; English education
  1Origin of Communication Language Teaching
  Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), which can also be referred as Communicative Approach, Notional-functional Approach, and Functional Approach, has come into being in Britain since the late 1960s. At that time, with the increasing interdependence of European countries came the need for greater efforts to teach adults the major languages of the European Common Market. Then the following ten years have witnessed its overnight widespread in the world. As a result, this teaching method aiming to develop the faculty of learners’ communicative competence took priorities over other methods.
  2Current Situations of Communicative Language Teaching
  Until now, CLT still have many followers in the foreign language teaching. However, with the advent of globalization, on the one side, cooperation voices loudly internationally; on the other hand, competitions among different countries are marching in a more implicit and involving-all way, especially the cultural competitions. Now, mere fluent communication cannot meet the needs for the current affairs, it’s required that we should penetrate other countries’ culture. Under this circumstance, cross-cultural communication plays a more and more importance role in the foreign language teaching. The newly emerging performed culture is the production of this trend, which aims at training learners to socialize their foreign language, to become part of the target community and leaner from others, to recognize the expectation and accept the expectations of foreign language learning, and to work toward, contribute to common goals and make themselves assets into the target community.
  Suppose that one accidentally bumps into an older person in a department store, causing her to drop some packages. Which of the following apologies would be the most appropriate? (A)  Forgive me, please. (B) I’m really sorry. Are you okay? (C) Lady, such things happen. (D) Hey, watch where you’re going. Have you ever been trapped by this multiple choices in your exam as a senior high school students or junior high school student? All of these answers are grammatically correct, but maybe one answer is more appropriate than the other three. Hence, it has become obvious that teaching foreign language words, phrases and sentence structures without accounting for sociocultural context may be trapped into a linguistic dilemma where communicative purpose can by no means be achieved.   3Key Elements of Speech Acts
  A speech act is a functional unit in communication. Austin (1962) claimed there are three kinds of utterance meaning. They are propositional or locutionary meaning, namely, the literal meaning of the utterances; illocutionary, that is, the social function that utterance or written text has; and perlocutionary force, which is the result or effect that is produced by the utterance in that given context. Moreover, according to Austin (1962) and Searle (1969) speech acts have been classified into five categories: representatives (assertions, claims, and reports), directives (suggestions, requests and command), expressives (apology, complaints and thanks), commissives (promise and threat), and declaratives (decree and declaration).
  4Integration of Communicative Language Teaching and Speech Acts
  Under the guidance of CLT, efforts are made by both teachers and learners to create an artificial atmosphere in order to achieve different communicational purposes. So the routinized question-and-answer, such as “How are you?”, “Fine, thanks. And you?”, is pervasive in the classroom activities, ignoring the social contexts and the cultural elements. To some degree, CLT is still at the level of sociolinguistic ability, which refers to the respondents’ skill at selecting appropriate linguistic forms in order to express the particular strategy used to realize the speech acts such as expression of regret in the apology, registration of a grievance in a complaint, specification of the objective of a request, or refusal of an invitation. As a response to new requirements rendered by the changing climates of current affairs, acquisition of sociolinguistic abilities can no longer feed us up, that is to say, socio-cultural abilities should take up its due position. Socio-cultural abilities refer to the respondents’ skill at selecting speech act strategies which are appropriate given the culture involved, the age and sex of speakers, their social class and occupations, and their roles and status in the interaction.
  In foreign language teaching, teachers always put all their energy to shape learners into some ideal native speakers, while the moment when those learners communicate with the real native speakers is embarrassing. As an English major, sometimes when I collect some courage to compare my written texts with the native writers, I feel I am just a dwarf in terms of words selecting and sentence structures, not to mention some elaborate conceptions used by the native. For instance, as English learners, we all know very and really have the same meaning, just like in the expression of I’m very sorry and I’m really sorry. But it is suggested that the nonnative speakers didn’t use really in the same way that the native speakers did. Native speakers tended to make a distinction whereby really expressed a greater depth of apology, regret, and concern and very was used more for matters of social etiquette. For instance, in a situation of scalding a friend with coffee in a cafeteria, the native speakers tended to use really sorry, while nonnative speakers used very sorry, which sounded less intensified. Very often, we tend to say our way of thinking is different from that of English-speaking people, so we are highly likely to produce different utterances even within the same language. How are our ways of thinking different with each other? Culture plays a pivotal role. Different utterances output should attribute more to cultural components, which is often neglected by CLT.   In the English classes, teachers should create communicatively meaningful situations for students to utter effective and efficient language, which should comply with the speech act theories. Except for the expected standard answers, teachers should make the language situations beyond the context. For instance, when asked “how are you?”, instead of “I am fine.”, students’ focus should be shifted on the following communication of “I don’t feel good.” In the class setting, everything goes as the teachers plan, while the real situation always goes the other way.
  CLT is a great leap forward in pedagogy, but without dubbing the cultural elements into its power, criticisms put on it will be ceaseless. Teachers should involve speech acts into classroom activities to give learners a holistic view of a foreign language. Foreign language learners do not necessarily and seldom can behave like native speakers, but they can become better listeners and react more appropriately to what native speakers say to them. Learners are required to notice similarities and differences in the speech acts between themselves and the native speakers.
  [2]AustinJ.How to Do Things with Words [M].London:Clarendon Press,1962.
◆摘 要:高中英语阅读对学生的思维逻辑和词汇储备有了更高的要求,因此,在进行高中英语阅读教学时,要提高教学质量以及学生学习兴趣,需要利用适当的教学手段得以实现。图式理论作为一种重要的教学理论,对高中英语的阅读教学能起到重要帮助。本文将围绕图式理论在高中英语阅读教学中的运用展开讨论,希望能利用图式理论来帮助教师提升英语阅读课堂效率,以及激活学生的学习潜能。  ◆关键词:图式理论;高中英语;阅读教学;
◆摘 要:随着我国新课标的不断更新,国家更注重在教学任务的同时要提升学生的综合素养。通过语文阅读教学可以培养学生的阅读理解能力、书法写作能力。语文的教学重点是阅读,也是基础的学习语文的出发点,语文阅读能力可以广泛应用到其他学科。养成良好的阅读习惯可以帮助学生拓展思维,在阅读中学会主动思考,书中自有黄金屋,学生只有通过阅读可以领会更多的知识,知识的力量是无穷大的,将所学知识应用于实践是不错的选择,提
小学阶段是向学生进行德育教育的起始阶段,也是学生树立正确人生观、价值观、世界观的重要阶段。尤其是小学道德与法制课更是对小学生进行政治思想教育的重要阵地。因此,作为教道德与法制课的教师要认真学习课标,深入理解教材,才能上好道德与法制课。  学生进入学校主要目的是受教育和学习知识,作为每一个教育工作者来说,在传授知识的同时都要借助文本给学生进行思想教育。我们上这一科目的老师该如何做呢?要让小学生将来成
◆摘 要:小学生在阅读理解相关问题的理解中,容易出现很多学习上的难点,教师在教学上也存在难点,所以在小学教学中,教师从导入入手践行过不少方式方法,其中背景知识引入是小学语文阅读教学中较普遍的方法。  ◆关键词:背景知识;小学语文;阅读教学  小学语文阅读教学的引导和学习中,以激发学生对课文的思考和兴趣,为课文理解打下坚实的基础,将课堂交还给学生,根据以人为本的学生观,激发学生自主思考的能力,提升语
◆摘 要:文章以《苏武传》为例,阐述如何将现代歌曲与传统文言篇目的教学有机地融合,在课堂上实现另一种版本的“经典咏流传”,激发学生学习文言文的兴趣和热情,促进对文言文的深度阅读,从而体会中华文化的核心思想理念和人文精神。  ◆关键词:歌曲;文言文;深度阅读  《普通高中语文课程标准(2017年版2020年修订)》在“课程性质与基本理念”部分指出:“构建开放、多样、有序的语文课程,变革学习方式,使学
◆摘 要:伴随着社会经济的快速发展以及文化的不断进步,社会开始对人才全面发展提出越来越高的要求。高中生物课堂教学中,最为关键的是培养学生的思维与学习能力。智慧课堂的构建,重视学生学习环节,培养学生思维,与培养学生核心素养相吻合。所以,教师在日常教学中,要高度重视构建起高中生物智慧课堂。教师要结合学生学习兴趣,运用多种教学方法,建立起更为高效的智慧课堂。  ◆关键词:高中生物;智慧课堂;构建策略  
◆摘 要:当今社会科技在迅猛的发展,全球化趋势不断地加剧,国家更加需要一批具备英语水平的人才。作为高中英语教师在这方面具有着重要的职责,也使得我们充分的认识到了在目前高中英语教学中创新的重要性。一个国家前进的动力就是创新,所以我们所要培养的人才也应该具备创新的精神,在高中英语课堂中要注重培养学生的思维能力。本文就混合教学模式下高中英语课堂学生思维能力培养策略进行分析探究。  ◆关键词:高中英语;混
◆摘 要:高中语文在传统教学过程中,受到应试教育的影响,很多老师只是重视学生的成绩,缺少了对于学生学习过程和学习方法的关注。导致学生在学习过程中处于被动地位,难以促进学生学习能力的提高,对教学效果造成了限制影响。所以在新课改的推动下,老师要改变传统教学模式,加强对于学生学习能力的培养,促进学生思维能力的提高,保证学生积极参与到课堂教学过程中,给予有效的教学方法和手段,为学生养成思考问题和解决问题的
◆摘 要:教师应努力在个别化学习活动中采取有效的途径努力提升幼儿的语言能力,从而为幼儿的可持续发展奠定坚实的基础。幼儿在个别化学习活动中可以自由发言、交流、讨论,不受外在压力的影响,而教师随机进行引导可帮助幼儿进行正确的语言表达。将两者结合起来,可以有效地培养幼儿的语言能力。本文基于对个别化活动区域内能运用语言的区域分析,从而探索出提升幼儿语言能力的对策。  ◆关键词:个别化活动;幼儿;语言能力;
◆摘 要:为了培养适应未来技能人才,首先阐述了产教融合的意义,然后分析了产教融合的职业技能人才培养建设的重要意义,最后以建筑施工专业为例,提出了产教融合的职业技能培养建设策略  ◆关键词:“产教融合”;职业技能培养;建筑施工管理专业  近些年来,“产教结合、校企合作”的发展模式成了职业教育的特点和其发展的有效途径,但是很多职业学校在适应未来技能人才培养的过程中,存在产业教学不能深度融合、学校和企业