
来源 :山西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tsyhome
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我省已有百分之八十三以上的农户,加入了农业社,一百多万青年文盲、半文盲人民校学习。随着农业合作化运动的蓬勃发展,群众也展开了多方面的文化活动。据不完全统计,我省已将近有一千个农村俱乐部,新的图书室、业余剧团、歌咏队、幻灯组、读报组……开始组织起来。在休息日和节日里,有些农业社组织了小型文娱晚会,演出各种短剧、音乐和民族舞蹈。这些多采的文化活动,表明了农村广大群众对文化生活的迫切要求。但是,农村群众文化工作仍然远远落后于农业合作化的发展,和广大农民群众日益高涨的文化要求不相适应。为了改变这种情况,使文化工作有效地为农业合作化和农业生产服务,就必须大力加强农村文化工作,开展群众业余文化活劝,而作好这一工作的纽带就是大力发展农村俱乐部。为什么这样说呢?因为农村俱乐部是群众自愿建立起来的农村中综合性的业余文艺活动组织,是发展社会主义 Over 83% of the peasant households in our province have joined Agricultural Society, over one million young illiterate and semi-literate people’s schools. With the vigorous development of the agricultural cooperative movement, the masses have also started a wide range of cultural activities. According to incomplete statistics, nearly 1,000 rural clubs, new libraries, amateur troupes, singing groups, slideshows, reading newspapers ... have been organized in our province. On weekends and festivals, some agricultural organizations organize small civic entertainment, performing various skits, music and folk dances. These various cultural activities have shown the pressing demands of the vast rural population on cultural life. However, the mass cultural work in rural areas still lags far behind the development of agricultural co-operation and is incompatible with the ever-increasing cultural demands of the broad masses of peasants. In order to change this situation and make cultural work effectively serve agricultural cooperation and agricultural production, we must vigorously strengthen rural cultural work and promote the work of the masses’ amateur culture, and the link in this task is to vigorously develop the rural club. Why do we say this? Because the rural club is a voluntary organization of amateur cultural activities in the rural areas voluntarily established by the masses, and is the development of socialism
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