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高某,睬6岁半,于1990年8月10日初诊。其母代诉:3天来,高热灼手,剧烈头痛,恶心呕吐,啥睡少食,颈项稍张硬,四肢抽描时作,神志时清时昧,大便秘结,8日未行,小便黄赤,舌红绛,苔黄植,脉洪数。体温50.9七,白细胞20.连K io.IL,中性0.52,淋巴0.15。脑脊液检查.外观微混浊,细胞数40。,以淋巴细胞为多,糖、抓化物均正常,蛋白稍增高。急拟通腑泻火,大承气汤加味治之。处方.积实10克,厚朴5克,生地10克,丹皮10克,赤芍1。克,大青叶10克,生大黄10克(后下),芒硝10克。2剂1日服完。药后腑气已通,解大便如羊屎状五六枚,体温38 .4℃,抽描未见。原方续进,5天后症情明显改善,热退神倩,呕平描止,原方出入,调治月余而斑。本例痰火互结,腑实不通,邪热炽盛,热极生风,用大承气汤加味治疗,腑气畅通,痰火从下而出,则痰去火熄可转危为安。 Gao, who was 6 and a half years old, was newly diagnosed on August 10, 1990. The mother-in-law v.: 3 days, high fever burning hand, severe headache, nausea and vomiting, sleep and eat less, the neck slightly hard, when the extremities drawn, when the consciousness of clearing, constipation, not on the 8th, urine Yellow red, red tongue, moss yellow plant, pulse flood number. Body temperature 50.9 VII, WBC 20. K io.IL, neutral 0.52, lymph 0.15. Cerebrospinal fluid examination. Appearance was slightly turbid, cell number 40. There are many lymphocytes, and the sugar and granules are normal, and the protein is slightly higher. Anxious to propose Tongxi Xiehuo, Dachengqitang add flavor treatment. Prescription. Accumulation of 10 grams, 5 grams of Magnolia officinalis, 10 grams of raw land, 10 grams of paeonol, red peony 1. Grams, 10 grams of Daqingye, 10 grams of rhubarb (after the next), Glauber’s salt 10 grams. 2 doses served on the 1st. After the drug has been through the hernia, the solution stool, such as five or six pieces of sheep-like shape, body temperature 38. 4 °C, drawing description not seen. The original party continued to advance, after 5 days, the condition was significantly improved, and the heat retired Shen Qian, vomiting flat out, the original side out, conditioning more than a month and spot. In this case, the fires were knotted each other, making it impossible for them to survive. The evil heat was blazing, the heat was extremely healthy, and the Dachengqi Decoction was used to treat the disease. The gas flowed smoothly and the fire escaped from the bottom.
桔梗来源于桔梗科植物桔梗Platycodon gra-ndiflorus(Jacq.)A.DC的干燥根。具有宣肺祛痰、利咽排脓之功效。近年来,一些地区将石竹科植物丝石竹Gypsophila oldhamiana Mig.
从柔枝槐Sophora subsprostrate的根提取得到的活性物质为抗病毒剂。提取物含生物碱-参碱、氧苦参碱或甲基野靛碱(methyl cytisine),类黄酮〔如槐定碱(sopho-radine),sophor