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荷兰很小,以至于荷兰人自己也不否认这一点。本土诗人弗罗曼这样描述它:“谈话等于向人脸上呵气,打手势如同对人挥拳。人们为笑声所震惊,分不出亲近与仇恨。”诗人易犯的错误往往是从个人的角度看待周围的一切。然而,“上帝造海,荷兰人造陆”却是世人对荷兰人公允而客观的评价。不容置疑的是,世界上第一真正意义上的跨国公司——印度公司就诞生在荷兰。在中国的皇帝们沿着内陆的游山玩水之际,“海上马车夫”们已经开始把整船的香料和瓷器运往欧洲。风水轮流转,在上世纪80年代,荷兰积重难返,被欧洲的老牌帝国主义国家称为“荷兰病夫”。在这个以商业道德为最高准则的社会里,高福利和高税收曾经一度扼杀了人们的主观能动性……但是现在,荷兰人又回来了。ING 集团、飞利浦、壳牌等一系列世界级企业,正傲立在全球经济的浪潮中。荷兰已经成为了欧洲的—个亮点,那么,是什么让一个小国屡次步入辉煌?这些凯尔特人的后裔到底是怎样一群们真的是“上帝的宠儿”吗?即然在欧洲,荷兰人也被称为“欧洲的中国人,那么我们从他们的身上又能学到些什么呢?走进荷兰企业,走近荷兰中国公司的领军人物,寻找一些有价值的答案。 The Netherlands is so small that the Dutch themselves do not deny it either. Native American poet Florman describes it this way: “Talking is equal to breath on the human face, gesturing like a fist.” People are shocked by the laughter, can not tell the close and hatred. “Poets easy to make mistakes often from individuals Look at everything around. However, ”God created the sea, the Dutch made land“ is a fair and objective assessment of the Dutch. Undoubtedly, the first true multinational company in the world, Indian company, was born in the Netherlands. As Chinese emperors waddle along inland touring mountains, the Sea Coachman has begun shipping spices and porcelain throughout the ship to Europe. The feng shui rotation, in the 80s of last century, the Netherlands lost ground again, was the veteran European imperialist countries called ”Dutch sick husband.“ In a society where business ethics are the highest norm, high welfare and high taxes have once killed people’s subjective initiative ... But for now, the Dutch are back. ING Group, Philips, Shell and a series of world-class enterprises, is proudly standing in the wave of global economy. The Netherlands has become a bright spot in Europe, so what makes a small country repeatedly into glory? The Celtics of these descendants in the end is really a group of ”God’s darling“ Now in Europe, the Netherlands People are also called ”Chinese in Europe," then what can we learn from them? Walk into Dutch businesses and come to the leaders of Dutch Chinese companies looking for some valuable answers.
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