牙源性囊肿在颌骨囊肿中占绝大多数,其中最常见的是根尖周囊肿,而发生于根侧的囊肿较少见。本文报道1例上颌中切牙的根侧囊肿。1病例资料患者男,23岁。以“左上颌前牙区胀痛3周”为主诉于2015-10-10来我院牙体牙髓科就诊。患者5年前曾于外院行上前牙根管治疗并烤瓷冠修复;3周前左上颌前牙牙龈出现肿胀、疼痛,在我院修复科拆除烤瓷联冠及金属桩。既往体健,无药物过敏史。临床检查:1 12预备体,髓腔开放,
Odontogenic cysts in the vast majority of jaw cysts, of which the most common apical periodontal cysts, while occurred in the root side of the cysts less common. This article reports the root side of maxillary central incisor in 1 case. 1 case information patient male, 23 years old. To “left maxillary anterior area of the pain 3 weeks ” mainly in charge of dental hospital in our hospital from October to October 2015. The patient had anterior tooth root canal treatment and porcelain crown restoration 5 years ago in the external hospital. Three weeks ago, the gums of the left maxillary anterior tooth swelled and ached. In our hospital, the crown and the metal post were removed. Past physical health, no history of drug allergy. Clinical examination: 1 12 preparation, marrow cavity open,