秋病春防 预防玉米大斑病

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一、搂净、烧掉残存田间病叶玉米大斑病菌主要残留在玉米的病叶上.发过病的地块,翻地前要组织人力,将地中残存的病叶搂净,堆成小堆彻底烧掉以消灭大斑病菌.二、实行轮作倒茬据铁岭县双井子公社王家一队调查,在品种及管理水平大体相同的条件下,高粱茬的玉米发病率占总叶面积的19.5%.重茬地发病率占总叶面积的23.3%.倒茬地玉米发病轻,百粒重为26.8克.重茬地玉米发病重,百粒重为24.5克.目前,虽因玉米面积过大安排倒茬有一定困难,但对在头一年发病严重的地块,必须进行倒茬. First, hug the net, burn the remaining leaves of the disease leaves of the main turf corn leaves remain on the sick leaves of the disease made the disease plots, turn the ground before the organization of manpower, Second, the implementation of crop rotation According to Tieling County Shuangjingzi Wang team investigation, under the same species and management conditions, the incidence of corn stalks total leaf area of ​​19.5 %. The incidence of stubble crop accounted for 23.3% of the total leaf area. Inverted crop corn incidence of light, 100-grain weight of 26.8 grams. Crops to heavy crop incidence, grain weight of 24.5 grams. At present, although due to excessive arrangement of corn stubble There are certain difficulties, but in the first year of serious disease in the land, must be stubble.
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