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嗓音对演员、歌唱家、教师等,确是特别重要。从事达种职业的人,如果不好好保护嗓音,往往会对工作带来一定的损失。嗓音嘶哑的原因,不外乎全身健康状况的欠佳(如得了风湿病、贫血、肾病和内分泌失调等慢性病)和声带局部的炎症、息肉、小结、肥厚等病变,以及 It’s really important for actors, singers, teachers, etc. People who work in different professions often bring some loss to their work if they do not protect their voice well. Hoarseness of the voice is nothing more than the poor general health (such as rheumatism, anemia, kidney disease and endocrine disorders and other chronic diseases) and local vocal cord inflammation, polyps, nodules, hypertrophy and other diseases, and
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当好检察长、做好检察工作除了抓好人的因素 ,建设高素质专业化的队伍外 ,还必须在检察机关自身建设上动脑筋、想办法、寻措施、用气力 ,全力抓好物质保障工作 ,以实现奉献精
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