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面对全国上下一片网络泡沫破灭之声,作为传统经济的代表人物,中青旅老总蒋建宁却在此时发动了面向新经济的攻势,他在接受《北京晚报》记者王学锋的采访时说,网络经济没有破灭,而是进入了一个全新的发展阶段。记者:今年开始,美国纳斯达克市场股票市值一路下跌,亚马逊网上书店等新经济代表大幅缩水,许多人惊呼:网络泡沫破灭了,作为传统经济里的一员,您的观点是什么? 蒋:的确,目前网络企业在国内外资本市场的波动反映了人们对网络经济的前景的认识发生了分歧,但我坚信,新经济是成立的。现在发生的事情恰好表明,它没有退步,只是告别了初级阶段,进入 In the face of the buzz of a nationwide network bubble burst, as the representative of the traditional economy, CYTS boss Jiang Jianning launched an offensive for the new economy at this time. In an interview with Wang Xuefeng, a reporter for the Beijing Evening News, he said that the Internet economy does not have Burst, but entered a new stage of development. Reporter: From the beginning of this year, the NASDAQ stock market value of the United States has dropped all the way. The new economic representatives such as Amazon Online Bookstore have shrunk dramatically. Many people exclaimed: The dot-com bubble has burst. What is your point of view as a member of the traditional economy? Chiang: Indeed, the current fluctuations in the domestic and foreign capital markets of network enterprises reflect differences in understanding of the prospects of the network economy. However, I firmly believe that the new economy is established. What happened now just shows that it has not regressed, just bid farewell to the initial stage, enter
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(三) 充满活力的音乐大赛 1.学员周年大汇演香港音乐事务统筹处所隆重举行的“学员周年大汇演”是全香港最大型的音乐会之一,一系列的音乐会首先由各区音乐中心开始,然后由
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国家规定,台商在大陆居住90天以上,要缴纳个人所得税。近日,本刊记者采访了国家税务总局刘心一研究员,请他就台商非常关心的个人所得税有关情况作一介绍。 According to the