
来源 :政府法制 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shijun3541
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2005年7月10日,随着备受瞩目的《物权法》草案向社会公布并征求全民意见,立法民主化迅速成为社会热议的公共话题。日渐汹涌的民意,标志着中国正在逐步走向一个“民意立法”时代。对于中国法治建设而言,显然已到了一个必须重新估量民意因素的历史关口,因此我们有必要思考:在现有的制度框架下,民意究竟能在多大程度上影响中国立法的进程和走向?在制度层面和实践层面,应该如何建立更为合理、畅通的民意吸纳渠道?“精英立法”与“大众立法”应该如何有效整合?立法民主和立法理性又该如何科学平衡…… July 10, 2005 With the highly anticipated “Property Law” draft announced to the community and seek universal opinion, democratization of the legislature quickly became a hot topic of public debate. The ever-increasing public opinion indicates that China is gradually moving toward an era of “popular opinion legislation.” For the construction of the rule of law in China, it is clear that it has reached a historical juncture where public opinion must be re-evaluated. Therefore, it is necessary for us to think about: to what extent can public opinion influence the process and trend of Chinese legislation under the current institutional framework? How to establish a more reasonable and unobstructed channel of public opinion absorption at the institutional and practical levels? How should the “elite legislation” and “public legislation” be effectively integrated? How should the legislative democracy and the legislative rationality be scientifically balanced?
第一章 总  则第一条 为了实施《劳动保障监察条例》 ,规范劳动保障监察行为 ,制定本规定。第二条 劳动保障行政部门及所属劳动保障监察机构对企业和个体工商户 (以下称
Based on governing equations of saturated porous media and Liapunov’s stability here, onset conditions matrix of porous media used by solid stress and Terzaghi
自新中国成立以来,有12部法律在制定过程中向全社会公布并征求意见。最盛大的一次,是1954年6月14日,全国共有15亿人次参与讨论宪法草案。  然而与普通公民生活同样休戚相关的《治安管理处罚法》在今年8月28日通过前一直都没有向公众公开,而几乎同时期制定中的《物权法》公布其草案并得到了公众的热烈参与。  《治安管理处罚法》相对于其前身《治安管理处罚条例》有诸多进步之处。但新鲜出炉的法律也有许多争议
The DFH-3 satellite platform is designed and developed by China Academy of Space Technology (CAST). It is a medium capability communications satellite platform.