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探讨以荣辱观教育扑克牌作为荣辱观宣传载体开展豫西农村群众荣辱观教育的可行性及效果。采用对照试验研究设计,将豫西农村237名45—59岁居民分成荣辱观教育扑克牌组、对照组两个组,进行荣辱观教育干预研究。结果表明:荣辱观教育扑克牌组荣辱观知识优秀率的提高明显高于对照组。与干预前比较,对照组荣辱观知识优秀率的改变差异均无统计学意义。但干预前后两组荣辱观的态度和行为变化差异均有统计学意义。应用荣辱观教育扑克牌作为荣辱观宣传载体开展豫西农村群众荣辱观教育具有一定的效果和优势。 To explore the feasibility and effect of educating the honors and disgraces of the educational concept of honor and disgrace in the education of honor and disgrace in the rural areas of western Henan province. The control trial design was used to divide 237 residents aged 45-59 in the rural areas of Henan into two groups: the poker group with honor and disgrace view and the control group. The result shows that the improvement of the excellent rate of honor and disgrace view of honor and disgrace education poker group is obviously higher than that of the control group. Compared with the pre-intervention, the difference of the excellent rate of knowledge of honor and disgrace in the control group had no significant difference. However, before and after the intervention, the attitudes and behavioral changes between the two groups were statistically significant. Application of education concept of honor and disgrace cards as a carrier of honor and disgrace concept to carry out the concept of honor and disgrace in rural areas in western Henan education has some effect and advantage.
目的 探讨持续气道下压(continuous positive airway pressure,CPAP)治疗对阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合(obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome,OSAHS)患者尿视黄醇结
目的 比较免疫组织化学法(IHC)、荧光原位杂交法(FISH)与显色原位杂交法(CISH)检测乳腺癌HER2基因状态的一致性,探讨FISH法与CISH法榆测乳腺癌HER2基因状态的临床意义.方法
目的 探讨手术患者的临床心理干预模式,探索音乐疗法在临床应用中的价值,并开创新的应用领域.方法 60例患者分为实验组与对照组,2组患者于手术前1 d均接受术前心理干预,手术
目的 提高健康教育质量,保证病人得到及时有效的健康教育.方法 将120名住院病人随机分成两组,试验组采用临床护理路径进行健康教育,对照组采用传统方法进行健康教育,并对两组
目的 探讨采用髋关节后外侧切口进行初次全髋关节置换术(THA)时修复关节囊及外旋肌的作用.方法 2002年1月至2006年6月,初次采用后外侧切口行THA 116例122髋,术中保留后方关节